Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 28 21:30:35 EDT 2012 | dekhead
Assuming you are not seeing 240VAC @ PSU inputs. Present @ transformer, but not much beyond CB1 on Y4... Nothing to PSU's or PC, etc. Inrush suppressor(s) (Thermistors). Contact me directly. www.dekhead.com
Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 01 07:09:04 EST 2004 | davef
Look here: http://www.me.psu.edu/me82/Learning/Strain/strain.html
Electronics Forum | Sat Oct 21 19:25:42 EDT 2006 | Ola
I assuming that you already have checked the fuses? Also, check all the power: +5V, +12V, +-24V, etc. We had to change our PSU once, after a major power-drop due to a thunderstorm. But you should be ok if you can pinpoint what type of voltage you are
Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 24 03:42:33 EDT 2006 | aj
Thanks for replies Guys, Just to let you know it was the 12v PSU.
Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 25 16:23:42 EDT 2008 | aj
Hi, Have you tried to download the MINT ?if this works you should be back in business , if not,check your PSU, which you can access from the back? check the manual as to which one powers the cards- dont have manual to hand but I think it is the 5v
Electronics Forum | Wed May 19 14:44:53 EDT 2004 | JSK
Low voltage readings on (PSU 2). should be: = is: +12V = 4.3V -12V = 8.6V +24V = 7.6V Anysuggestions? (Other than buying a new card.) Thanks, jsk
Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 03 06:45:38 EDT 2009 | aj
machine wont initialise after breaker tripped when machine was powered down over the weekend. All PSU's check out fine along with Estop circuit. I get the command to press system button but thats as far as it goes. any ideas welcomed
Electronics Forum | Sat Feb 20 20:45:53 EST 2010 | dekhead
Sounds like you have a Switched 12V issue. Breaker on rear of Machine. Fuse in Y1 enclosure. PSU3 (on floor of) Y4 enclosure.
Electronics Forum | Sun May 02 14:37:06 EDT 2010 | dekhead
Something is surging on the 5V line tripping overcurrent on PSU2... If you've got autoflex on the machine the Y15 is th most likely culprit... I've also seen it with the Y2. www.dekhead.com
Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 07 15:09:09 EST 2011 | brianangus
Hi. Check the 5V PSU supplying the VME rack. Make sure you have 5V and not something like 3v. try removing the ISA card from the PC and try a different ISA slot in the pc. Hope this helps. Brian.