Electronics Forum: pth spec (Page 1 of 4)

What is a good spec for board warpage?

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 19 09:23:47 EST 2001 | davef

Bow & twist for bare boards and panels: IPC-A-610 1.5% for PTH only and 0.75% for SMT

I am looking for an IPC spec for intentional PCB warp

Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 22 16:20:03 EST 2014 | warwolf

Basically the contract comes first, then the design drawings then IPC. if your costumer is asking you to bend the PCB then it becomes apart of the design drawings. as for looking for a cover, get it in writing that that's what they want you to do. I

Re: what kind of material can pass through smt process?

Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 29 17:29:46 EST 1998 | Dave F

| can some kind of through hole type connector pass through | the smt process (with IR technology)???? | the temperature factor or material factor????? | Flag: Most PTH components are not spec'd for reflow processes. PTH component suppliers, nomin

IPC Spec for PTH Hole Size Tolerance

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 10 11:46:28 EDT 2002 | mlovett

I would like to know the Stated Specification for PTH size tolerances. Or is there a generalised acceptable limit?. We have some PCB's with hole sizes that I consider to be way off what I would deem acceptable, ie Finished hole size should be 0.89mm

Tilted/Slant SMT Component Specs?

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 26 23:26:35 EST 2002 | ianchan

Hi Guys, (Note: We are not talking about bill-board RES/CAP, we are talking about Z-axis slant/tilted RES/CAP with respect to the PCB pad Z-axis plane). 1) We ref through the IPC-A-610C specification "bible", and can not find a "chapter/verse" tha

Standard of PCB Bow and Twist in Incoming Inspecion

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 28 09:08:03 EST 2003 | davef

Without drilling through the numbers, they're probably correct. Recognize that standard warp / twist specs [IPC-A-610 1.5% for PTH only and 0.75% for SMT] are not going to make it on tech boards. You need to define specific requirements. This warp

IPC Spec for PTH Hole Size Tolerance

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 10 22:23:48 EDT 2002 | davef

IPC-6012A, 3.4.1 has words to the effect of: Hole size tolerance and hole pattern accuracy shall be as specified in the procurement documentation. Our fab says: Standard Drill Sizes Drill Number ||Hole Size ||Finished Hole Size 70 ||0.028" ||0.02

IPC Spec for PTH Hole Size Tolerance

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 10 22:24:30 EDT 2002 | davef

IPC-6012A, 3.4.1 has words to the effect of: Hole size tolerance and hole pattern accuracy shall be as specified in the procurement documentation. Our fab says: Standard Drill Sizes Drill Number ||Hole Size ||Finished Hole Size 70 ||0.028" ||0.02

Re: SMD/PTH Tantalum pad layout

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 02 10:56:53 EST 1999 | Justin Medernach

| Would anyone have experience or information on where I could find pad geometry for tantalum capacitors that can be surface or plated thru hole mounted. | Yup, Check out IPC-782. That's got all the info on land geometries that you'd be looking f


Electronics Forum | Sat Mar 05 01:11:31 EST 2011 | rway

We use both technologies and each comes with a mixed bag. What is the driving force behind your desire to convert? Is it just bad chips or something else? It sounds like you are having quality issues with your vendor and you would be good to addre

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