Electronics Forum: pubble after coating (Page 1 of 41)

BGA failure after coating

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 30 11:32:45 EDT 2009 | pbarton

What type of conformal coating are you using and are you allowing the coating to migrate under the device in question? If you are allowing the coating unbder the BGA the problem could be CTE of coating is much greater than that of the BGA balls/sold

BGA failure after coating

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 30 08:21:07 EDT 2009 | cunningham

Hi We have a board at the moment thats passing ICT and passing functional test but its failing test after conformal coating has anyone had any experinces of this? or any idea what may be causing this?

conformal coating after rework

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 22 10:17:47 EST 1999 | LeeAnne

I have boards coated with Humiseal 1B73. At a late point mfg. site we need to remove a series of 0603 resistors for optioning purposes. I have been trying to determine the fastest, easiest way to re-coat the pads after removal. Drying time of the coa

BGA failure after coating

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 08 08:15:39 EDT 2009 | kpm135

We've used both 1A33 urethane and 1B31 acrylic coating on our SMT assemblies with great success for many many years. This is with components of all shapes and sizes including a 9 ball micro-BGA. We apply the coating in every way imaginable and we hav

Bubbles after coating

Electronics Forum | Sat Sep 22 10:07:28 EDT 2018 | davef

This chart is from http://www.nordson.com/-/media/Files/Nordson/asymtek/Papers/Process%20Control%20and%20Traceability%20in%20Automated%20Conformal%20Coating.pdf?la=en

Bubbles after coating

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 20 03:31:42 EDT 2018 | minhhaioh34

Hi all, I need some pro help me with issue bubbles after coating. some information for some pro: Machine: Asymtek Chemical: Achime AVR80 Oven: IA 4 zoon4 ( setting 100 100 90 80 conveyor speed: 0.6 m/min). I had happened before and after the oven. W

Bubbles after coating

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 21 17:33:01 EDT 2018 | michaelszuch

Hello Hai, The first step is to determine where in the process the bubbles are being generated - either during coating or during curing. You can easily check this by letting a few boards air dry (no oven) and comparing them to the oven-cured ones. I

BGA failure after coating

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 30 14:17:06 EDT 2009 | davef

What does failure analysis of the BGA indicate? Is this: * ESD damage * Open circuits * Shorting What's the problem?

BGA failure after coating

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 01 03:03:29 EDT 2009 | cunningham

what we are getting is open circuits not every BGA is failing we use Humiseal 1A33 and currently there is no masking instruction for around the BGA

BGA failure after coating

Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 05 04:55:42 EDT 2009 | pengliang

we suggest as below : the first : check the soldering(solder ball and pad) by X-ray ; second: to do dye analyse (note:pls confrm is there have crack )

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