Electronics Forum: pull test bga kgf (Page 1 of 4)

BGA Pull test

Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 25 17:50:46 EDT 2004 | Mike

I work for a PCB Manufacture and I am looking for info on BGA Pull test or strenght test. I have a CM that is experiencing bga's with some weak joints. they are telling me that when they do their pull test the joints are breaking at the nickel inste

BGA Pull test

Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 25 21:49:14 EDT 2004 | davef

First, any results of pull or shear tests are unscientific at best. [We pop our BGA from boards with, appropriately enough, a beverage can opener.] Second, we have no have problems with your ENIG specification. Third, as with your customer, we'd e

Dye Pry test

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 24 14:10:53 EDT 2002 | Terry Burnette

I've been informed that I can't post the Dye Penetrant paper on the SMTNET library till Advanced Packaging releases the paper in their Dec. issue. You should be able to pull a copy in the next couple of weeks from their site, http://ap.pennnet.com/ho

BGA Pull test

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 26 08:41:56 EDT 2004 | Bob R.

When we first got into BGAs on ENIG we were getting joint cracking at in-circuit test. The joints were breaking in the Sn-Ni intermetallic. We did a lot of pull testing while working with our board suppliers and our conclusion was that pull testing

BGA Pull test

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 26 17:01:08 EDT 2004 | Mike

Hi Guy's thank you for the Info, This is a New Assembly house that our OEM has Moved to and they have not been very open in discussing this issue other than they are telling us this is board related. I have ask for samples of faild product with th

Axial capacitor Pull out force

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 21 20:52:06 EDT 2007 | davef

There is not standard for the force to pull an axial lead from a soldered connection. ".....IPC does not have pull tests in any of its standards, and some reliability experts would prefer to keep it that way, pull tests are commonly used by some lea

Sheer strength of a BGA assembly

Electronics Forum | Thu May 06 11:37:48 EDT 2010 | davef

There is no specification. Shear tests are very material / operator dependent. BALL SHEAR TESTING OF RAW BGA DEVICES: A total of 3 devices were subjected to ball shear testing. Results of the testing indicated shear values in the range of 0.7-1.25

ENIG (thru hole ring turns black after wave soldering)

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 02 15:03:37 EDT 2016 | davef

On a previous black pad experience we soldered a wire to a fiducial and did a pull test to failure. On the black pad board the wire and solder pulled of clean leaving the fiducial on the board. On good boards the copper came off with the wire. If you

Re: BGA open

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 07 12:45:47 EDT 1999 | Brad Kendall

| Could someone shares their experience on the causes of 'Open' in the BGA after reflow. | | Are you having a problem with the joint openning up after reflow. Like it was soldered after the reflow process, but at final test is not? I had this pr

Re: BGA assemble

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 10 04:10:43 EDT 2000 | Tanu

Hi, Jacko is right!BGA ispection equipment like Xrays are extream expensive if you want a good system. There is some xrays that you can have low cost but if you are planning to do superBGA�s or want better image you need atleast 80-100Kv with good r

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