Electronics Forum: push button f. nds (Page 1 of 1)

Servo Amplifier Alarm on Fuji CP4-3

Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 03 12:57:28 EDT 2010 | adrianam

I need some help with the following alarm appeared on Fuji FCP4-3 : ,,Servo Amplifier alarm on X, Y, C, Z axis". When I push the reset button, remain ,,Servo Amplifier Alarm on D, F theta axis". All the sensors and solenoid it were checked and is OK

up2000 HiE hates me

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 31 13:15:13 EST 2006 | realchunks

SWAG is prolly right. You can verify the tactile sensor by watching the machine carefully. When finding the stencil height, make sure the board goes all the way up and touches the stencil to trigger the tactile. If it doesn't, then something is wr


Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 09 23:59:17 EST 2004 | fastek

Sr. Tech- I'll pipe in a bit as this is a touchy subject with me as well. I do feel that sometimes I am simply selling my way out of business when I export a piece of used equipment. However business for myself in THIS country has increased dramatic


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