Electronics Forum: pva conformal coating (Page 1 of 110)

conformal coating

Electronics Forum | Sat Aug 07 02:28:20 EDT 2010 | raghu

We have PVA 350 benchtop dispensing equipement with humiseal 1A33 CC material. is there any moisture measurement process in conformal coating material?

PVA conformal coating machine

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 09 07:13:08 EDT 2010 | raghu

We have PVA 354Bench top conformal coating machine. We are going to procure the Humiseal 1B31 material. Is this material is suitable for this model of machine? Is there any special pecautions to be taken while programming? What are the main problemsd

PVA conformal coating machine

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 10 01:02:31 EDT 2010 | raghu

We have PVA 354Bench top conformal coating machine. We are going to procure the Humiseal 1B31 material. Is this material is suitable for this model of machine? Is there any special pecautions to be taken while programming? What are the main problems

Simple conformal coating machine

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 20 02:17:09 EDT 2015 | armandogomez

Is going to be a lot of work to do something like that, money and time, why not buy something on the market? camalot is a good brand or PVA is another brand.

Fastpath software for PVA conformal coating

Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 09 15:15:57 EDT 2023 | ushir

Good Day Please could someone assist with a copy of the Fastpath software for PVA 650 Conformal Coating machine. I have a copy of Pathmaster 4.0 should anyone require it. Thans

1B31 Acrylic conformal coating problems

Electronics Forum | Sun Dec 26 23:48:01 EST 2010 | raghu

Dear Sir, We are using 1B31 conformal caoting of 48 sec viscosity in Zahn #1 cup, by machine(PVA354) application with Tank air pressure 2.3 psi, automising air pressure 1 psi. 7 days after application we are observing peeling off problem.. And n

conformal coating

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 16 10:13:32 EDT 2015 | charliedci

Anyone aware of an acrylic conformal coating that is UV curable?

conformal coating

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 17 05:39:39 EDT 2015 | sarason

Electrolube has one. http://www.electrolube.com/products/conformal-coatings/uvcl/low_non-voc/ Sarason

conformal coating

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 04 08:45:42 EDT 2005 | jimih280

how does polyurethane used for wood floor coating differ from urethane conformal coatings sold for circuit boards? where can i get uv tracer to put in oil based urethane?

conformal coating

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 07 06:48:15 EDT 2005 | davef

Alternatives are: * DSCC Columbus continues to maintain the QPL for MIL-I-46058C. [Engineering is unlikely to change.] * Use International Electrotechnical Commission Standard, IEC 61086 - Coatings for loaded printed wire boards (conformal coatings)

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