Electronics Forum: pva fume filtration (Page 1 of 1)

Soldering fume extraction

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 17 09:56:02 EDT 2017 | capse

Have you ever dealt with air purification issues? > What system are you utilizing for soldering fume > extraction and filtration? I rep PACE. They have an instructional video; https://www.paceworldwide.com/pacenter/videos/pace-fume-extraction-vid

Soldering fume extraction

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 17 06:28:38 EDT 2017 | smeissner

Have you ever dealt with air purification issues? What system are you utilizing for soldering fume extraction and filtration?

Soldering fume extraction

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 24 14:01:48 EDT 2017 | solderingpro

For high purification quality at an affordable price I would look into table-top HEPA Filtration Systems. QUICK and HAKKO are perhaps the biggest bang for buck based upon your overall budget. Both use a nearly identical filtration system (3-Stage H

Soldering fumes

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 19 21:06:17 EST 2001 | davef

Liken soldering fumes to cigarette smoke. These fumes consist of two elements. 1 Smoke particles [very sticky] 2 Gases and vapors Particulate Filters: Smoke particles can be removed with a particulate filter. All particulate filters are graded u

Exhaust on Reflow Oven

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 21 14:15:59 EDT 2005 | tds

I have a self contained fume filtration system (for sale)for reflow ovens that will maintain your desired cfm. What I have heard from customer's is that there will be variations in your profiles thus causing some defects.

Arguments against 1(or 2)-ethoxy-propanol (aka SC01)?

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 21 14:54:32 EDT 2016 | ttheis

Acetone is flammable and hazardous to deal with. The fewer fire hazards and nasty fumes the better in my opinion. I would either go with a alcohol based no-clean for economical processesing and boards that can't be washed, or water washable if you ca

Safety equipment for servicing solder wave

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 21 14:23:56 EDT 2003 | kenBliss

In order to service your wave solder machine safely, the following needs to be understood. Ladling dross out of the machine and putting it in into a coffee can or similar is not safe and puts operators and other employees at risk. Protecting the se

Re: oven ventilation requirements

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 05 10:46:20 EDT 1999 | Dave F

| We are installing a new reflow oven and I have been told that we do not need to vent the exhaust out through the roof since we have a false ceiling. All that is required is to vent above the false ceiling and that the air exchange is great enough t

Reflow Oven Exhaust Temperature

Electronics Forum | Sat Jun 20 19:49:39 EDT 2020 | kylehunter

Hi all. We recently expanded our assembly space and moved our Heller 1500 oven to a new spot. In the old arrangement, we used a Purex filtration unit, keeping the hot air in our space. Recirculating the fumes caused a massive headache in cooling the


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