Electronics Forum | Tue May 04 14:42:58 EDT 1999 | Chrys Shea
| | I am about to embark on an effort to evaluate 3 different solder material suppliers and their recommended materials for our assembly process, in an effort to find the best supplier/material. We do mixed technology, with NOCLEAN chemistry so I wi
Electronics Forum | Mon May 10 07:53:48 EDT 1999 | Timothy O'Neill
| | | I am about to embark on an effort to evaluate 3 different solder material suppliers and their recommended materials for our assembly process, in an effort to find the best supplier/material. We do mixed technology, with NOCLEAN chemistry so I
Electronics Forum | Mon May 10 08:00:14 EDT 1999 | Timothy O'Neill
| | | | I am about to embark on an effort to evaluate 3 different solder material suppliers and their recommended materials for our assembly process, in an effort to find the best supplier/material. We do mixed technology, with NOCLEAN chemistry so
Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 21 23:13:59 EDT 2006 | valuems
The snema connecters are located behind the front cover, and to the left of the small power supply. The connecters are up side down. The front one is the left side and the second one back id the right side. Left is normaly the upstream and the rig
Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 10 16:50:20 EDT 2007 | slthomas
Yeah, we've tried that and keep getting an error stating that an impossible location has been specified (can't remember the actually wording). Right now we just move them to the back and change the feeder assignments but it definitely hoses up the op
Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 13 08:22:28 EST 2019 | sarivong0914
Hello. Can someone point me the right direction on replacing the relay's that's causing the "Phase Monitoring Faulty" alarm on start up? A picture would be awesome as well of location and part itself. Thanks in advance
Electronics Forum | Sun Dec 25 18:13:33 EST 2005 | mika
Cheers for the info JAX, sounds like what I was > looking for. In the PTF You can have 2 matrix trays in the same feeder slot; one on the left side and one next to the other one; You don't need to mesaure the first pick-up location, distance from
Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 09 08:07:28 EST 2001 | CAL
Fred- This is something we do often. We are located in Philadelphia right next to the Philadelphia Airport. We can also have an instructor on site to do training right at your facility with your product. We help many that are new to SMT to get up and
Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 10 12:12:55 EST 2000 | Russ
Casey, I will start with the lack of thermo-couple control - The unit I have is based on time and temp. exclusively. What happens when a cold board gets reworked vs. a hot board? No bottom side preheat, the heating is very localized to topside a
Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 10 12:12:55 EST 2000 | Russ
Casey, I will start with the lack of thermo-couple control - The unit I have is based on time and temp. exclusively. What happens when a cold board gets reworked vs. a hot board? No bottom side preheat, the heating is very localized to topside a