Electronics Forum: qfn and juki (Page 1 of 15)

Where to buy vacuum filter for juki and Yamaha machine

Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 08 03:44:46 EST 2006 | lov3ly_9irl

Hi, Can anybody know a company that sell vacuum filter for Juki and Yamaha machines? Tks. Lauren

Where to buy vacuum filter for juki and Yamaha machine

Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 08 07:51:27 EST 2006 | sagan

Any SMC resseler may have the Venturi filter for the Juki... as for the Yamaha, i don't honestly know.

Where to buy vacuum filter for juki and Yamaha machine

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 10 03:30:44 EST 2006 | lov3ly_9irl


Where to buy vacuum filter for juki and Yamaha machine

Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 08 16:52:07 EST 2006 | darby

Which model Yamhah are you talking about and what is the make and model # of the manifold block for the micro ejectors? If it has the Koganei ME05M series then your local rep can supply the filters. It is a good idea to get spare O-rings for the filt

QFN's and LGA's

Electronics Forum | Fri May 22 08:04:30 EDT 2009 | stevezeva

Have any of you ever worked with Actel's QFN 180? A three row I/O QFN? Actel has a published paper on design and assembly guidelines, but we're finding that they are pretty much generic, and don't really work as well as they lead you to believe. ht

Juki 710 and 720

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 16 07:55:37 EST 2007 | ronsou

Anyone have any experiance with these Juki machines? I have no experiance with Juki except for a Zevatech place-mat 360 many years ago. Currently using Siemens and Mydata. How is the accuracy, speed, durability, and programming. Any help would be a

PCB Thickness and BLR

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 25 01:24:25 EDT 2019 | sssamw

That is possibley CTE mismatch between QFN and PCB material, the thicker PCB the higher fail rate.

QFN's and LGA's

Electronics Forum | Wed May 20 17:00:56 EDT 2009 | dyoungquist

We just placed a 56 pin QFN, 1 per board, on 10 boards and had zero defects. A good paste job, proper placement and a correct oven profile are the keys. If these are set up correctly, on larger runs your defects won't be zero but they should be le

QFN's and LGA's

Electronics Forum | Wed May 20 17:18:09 EDT 2009 | daxman

Just out of curiosity, how are you or anyone else determining a defect? Last I checked, IPC had no criteria yet for solder defects for QFN components. Has this changed? Biggest problems we see are voids which our x-ray shows a lot of. Our problems

QFN's and LGA's

Electronics Forum | Tue May 12 10:03:12 EDT 2009 | daan_terstegge

Hi All, I see more and more components like QFN or LGA with bottom-only terminations,with landpatterns getting finer all the time. I have no ppm-figures of our process, but based on a benchmark study by Agilent I'd say that 500 ppm is a decent value

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