Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 20 17:07:20 EST 2007 | kennyrebbe
I am looking for a new semi automatic Stencil printer, and reflow oven that is capable of doing double sided boards with BGA�s. We currently own a Manncorp 4500R stencil printer https://www.manncorp.com/4x00_stencil_printers/index.php?view=overview&a
Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 18 10:28:17 EDT 1999 | Carol Zhang
Hi, I'd like to ask some tips about the merits and shortcomings o of both screen printer and stencil printer. For small quantity and highly mixed usage, which type of printer is suitable to our application? The boards contain no BGA and the fines
Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 11 09:04:06 EDT 2018 | emeto
Try one aperture 60x60mil
Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 17 08:57:05 EDT 2018 | dleeper
Thanks for the update! I guess whoever designed the package knew what they were doing.
Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 17 16:34:25 EDT 2018 | slthomas
I attributed it to luck, but whatever keeps you up and running!
Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 10 10:21:06 EDT 2018 | slthomas
Dave, that's a cool idea and sounds like something that would actually work. I'd be tempted to go with oversized pads to increase the holding force. Unfortunately as an EMS we would have to work that through the customer approval system and as usual
Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 10 10:33:08 EDT 2018 | davef
Oh, I just remembered the other thing that I wanted to mention ... Do the pads match the component leads?
Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 11 11:55:54 EDT 2018 | slthomas
Yes - every dimension that I measured on the gerbers checks out against datasheet. Presumably the parts match it as well....?
Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 16 16:24:20 EDT 2018 | slthomas
Amazingly enough, every one of these held fast where we placed them with a paste brick sized 1:1 with the thermal pad, no sectioning. Yes, there were voids, but we can live with that in this application.
Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 18 14:17:48 EDT 2018 | esoderberg
Further divide the ground block into more than 4 panes. Also think about using, assuming you have good placement of using Loctite chip bonder on two opposing corners. Lots of ways to get good results