Electronics Forum: qfp pad (Page 1 of 32)

qfp reflow problems

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 15 16:07:37 EDT 2004 | barry

Hi there all, we are having problems with 2 qfp devices. grainy poorly reflowed solder joints. One 100 pin .5mm pitch, and one 64 pin .5 mm pitch . Both of these devices have a thermo pad on the back of them (pad area soldered to back of device)which

qfp reflow problems

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 22 12:27:47 EDT 2004 | barry

I placed thermo's at 2 of the problem devices. Soak (time 150 to 180) 100 sec. Time above 180 =80 secs with 208 deg. peak. The solder appeared to flow at these pads, but little to no adhesion to the joint.Total time in oven was 5 min. All other joint

qfp reflow problems

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 15 17:06:08 EDT 2004 | russ

What are your temps at the locations that you are having trouble with. We cannot tell anything by the zone settings of an oven. We need max temp, how long above liquidous etc.. a lot of times this symptom is due to too long of a soak at too high o

solder mask between qfp pads

Electronics Forum | Sat Aug 14 17:39:37 EDT 1999 | Gerry S.

One of the DFM suggestions I've seen is to remove the solder mask web, i.e. the mask between pads on 20-mil QFP devices. The rational is that if the mask is thicker than the pad the mask can prevent the stencil from making intimate contact with the

qfp and soic joint Problem

Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 11 10:30:46 EDT 2000 | Jeremy Smith

I am having a problem with some joints on a 100 pin pqfp and few different soics on one particular board. When viewed a 8x with a "Mantis" inspection scope the joints look as though they wetted to the ic leg but when probed the leg will pop loose.

Re: solder mask between qfp pads

Electronics Forum | Sun Aug 15 14:56:03 EDT 1999 | Dean

| One of the DFM suggestions I've seen is to remove the solder mask web, i.e. the mask between pads on 20-mil QFP devices. The rational is that if the mask is thicker than the pad the mask can prevent the stencil from making intimate contact with th

Re: solder mask between qfp pads

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 16 04:47:04 EDT 1999 | Charles Stringer

| | | One of the DFM suggestions I've seen is to remove the solder mask web, i.e. the mask between pads on 20-mil QFP devices. The rational is that if the mask is thicker than the pad the mask can prevent the stencil from making intimate contact wit

Re: solder mask between qfp pads

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 16 16:54:57 EDT 1999 | Scott Cook

| One of the DFM suggestions I've seen is to remove the solder mask web, i.e. the mask between pads on 20-mil QFP devices. The rational is that if the mask is thicker than the pad the mask can prevent the stencil from making intimate contact with th

Re: solder mask between qfp pads

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 16 04:34:54 EDT 1999 | Earl Moon

| | One of the DFM suggestions I've seen is to remove the solder mask web, i.e. the mask between pads on 20-mil QFP devices. The rational is that if the mask is thicker than the pad the mask can prevent the stencil from making intimate contact with

Re: solder mask between qfp pads

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 16 07:54:05 EDT 1999 | Peter Barton

| | | | One of the DFM suggestions I've seen is to remove the solder mask web, i.e. the mask between pads on 20-mil QFP devices. The rational is that if the mask is thicker than the pad the mask can prevent the stencil from making intimate contact w

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