Electronics Forum: qsv-1 and dos (Page 1 of 2)

Recommend Pick and Place machines

Electronics Forum | Fri May 26 08:34:03 EDT 2023 | zsoden

Go for YG100 and YG88. Or in the USA the equivalent Assembleon options. The benefit is that your feeders will still be compatible. The Windows based OS on these is way easier to use than the DOS system on YV machines.

Interface software for Cadence to QSV-1 and Point5588

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 24 23:31:14 EST 1998 | Gang

I got Quad QSV-1 assemblier and Tescon Point5588 fly probe tester this year. Any body know what kind software suit best for transfer Cadence Alegro 13 CAD data into those QSV-1 and Point5588 machine ? There are some software packages like UNICAM and

Training for Philips and Quad in Oregon

Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 12 10:21:03 EDT 2012 | chox

I am looking for someone to contract to come to our facility to provide training on Philips Topaz and/or Quad QSV-1. We are looking for programming, operation and maintenance training. I would prefer someone local.

PM 460 problems and solutions

Electronics Forum | Sun Oct 24 11:20:57 EDT 2004 | sagan

Hello everyone. The company i work for owns a PM570L and a PM460. The PM460 recently came from service repairs and it has a problem that me and the technicians at Zevatech AG are trying to solve but i would like to hear from anyone with experience o

Via holes and Wave Solder

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 13 14:26:45 EST 2006 | Wave Master Larry

Well, im not sure what plane you guys are on, but I can back up my what im talking about. Ya see I wnet to Soltec traingin back in 1995 for our new wave. I got a diploma proofing that I know what i'm talking about. no one else in my company has on

SIPLACE 80S-15 and 80F-3 help needed

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 24 11:15:45 EDT 2013 | James Whitehouse

Hi, Boot the station computer with a dos disk, open real.ma with an editor, find the adresse near the top and get it to match what you have configured in your line computer. BR

Samsung cp40c replace s.o. and software

Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 30 04:34:39 EST 2017 | robertorocco

Hi sarason The O.S. is win98 not win95. The repair function is chkdsk? Beacause the O.S. not start do you think the start chkdsk from DOS? Thanks Roberto

Alternative PCB Test and Repair Cost Model

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 24 14:22:38 EDT 2003 | Mario Quijano

It is evident that the SMT process affects the results at testing, hence I thought this was relevant to this forum. An alternative to the NEMI (National Electronics Manufacturing Initiative) PCB test cost model (see http://www.nemi.org/newsroom/PR/2

UPS on a pick and place machine

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 05 09:12:34 EDT 2003 | caldon

All of our PNP machine run on UPS back up. Though our machine controller is Dos and failry stable it is integrated with Windows NT who does not like to be prematurley shut down. We get a window of about 4 hours from the UPS. Remember this is just o

Re: Interface software for Cadence to QSV-1 and Point5588

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 30 21:05:57 EST 1998 | Dave F

| I got Quad QSV-1 assemblier and Tescon Point5588 fly probe tester this year. Any body know what kind software suit best for transfer Cadence Alegro 13 CAD data into those QSV-1 and Point5588 machine ? | There are some software packages like UNICAM

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