Electronics Forum: qsv-1 door (Page 1 of 1)

Quad QSV-1 randomly destroying Z-rods

Electronics Forum | Fri May 09 05:09:41 EDT 2014 | col_d

We're having an intermittent fault with a QSV-1 where it will on occasions oscillate violently during a run and this usually results in 1 or both Z-rods being destroyed, along with the nozzle currently fitted. This has been on and off for the last 2

Quad qsv1 plus

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 20 03:50:37 EST 2020 | falconex_technician

Hi, my company bough second hand pick and place as our second machine. After first transport after start just when initializing, It's showing problem with Z calibration. After second position setup and connect again after month, now showing &

Quad QSV-1 randomly destroying Z-rods

Electronics Forum | Sun May 11 17:29:17 EDT 2014 | bobpan

Most times when the machine oscillates when closing the doors it will be a problem with the digital i/o cards. I would check that the dip switch settings are correct. If they are correct i would look at replacing both of the cards. The boards are sub


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