Electronics Forum: quad 0402 (Page 1 of 6)

quad qsp-2

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 29 18:23:19 EST 2010 | comprep

Has anyone had any success with placing BGAs with the Quad QSP-2? We have been having alignment issues with BGA placement but our placement of 0402 parts is dead on. We have worked through the calibration and it seems to be correct.

Advice on used pick and place machine

Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 09 07:50:22 EDT 2006 | quad

We currently run two Quad IVC's (we are very pleased with them) and two Versatronics for simple small volume batch work. We now need an additional machine capable of placing components at least three times as quickly as a IVC. We don't do anything ve

0402 Placement

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 07 07:05:19 EST 2008 | PitPony

In the next couple of weeks I will be attempting to place 0402's and 0603's using a Quad QSA-30. I am a little nervous as I have heard along the grapevine that the machine struggles in placing the smaller components as they float around in the pocke

0402 placement using Quad 4C

Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 07 19:17:17 EST 2001 | mleber

If anyone is placing 0402 components using a Quad 4C I would like to hear any tips or advise. We have a job that is loaded with them.

0402 placement using Quad 4C

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 13 12:03:29 EST 2001 | LSMITH

Get another machine poopdick

0402 placement using Quad 4C

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 13 13:10:09 EST 2001 | onset

As long as you perform a repeat pickup on the part with an ordinary feeder you will be fine.

0402 placement using Quad 4C

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 13 12:33:35 EST 2001 | Simply Anonymous

Try calling Quad, I know that they were in development of a feeder designed specifically for 0402. The problem has always been the pick of such a small part, but the placement is very reliable. By way, have you heard that Quad is being purchased by

0402 placement using Quad 4C

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 27 12:38:49 EST 2002 | stmerkt

Tyco has recently completed development work on the ThinPRO feeder. This feeder provides exceptional performance for 0201 and 0402 applications. The feeder is compatable with the IV-C, QSV, QSX, QSP-2, and APS platforms.

0402 placement using Quad 4C

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 15 17:34:38 EST 2001 | rentreo

I place 0302's on my Quad 4c's all the time. Use a repeat pick-up just like a waffle tray part but make sure the z height is perfect on your pick-up or you will bounce the other parts out of their pockets. Also change your mod code to only try once o

0402 placement using Quad 4C

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 13 12:15:14 EST 2001 | onset

We have a 4C and it places 0402 components without any problems. The tricky part is getting the machine to pick them up out of the feeder it takes patience but you will get it. jake p.s. you

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