Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 15 12:36:56 EST 2002 | bobbyv40
We are currently considering purchasing a Quad 4c. Any recomendations or discouragements for this machine? All comments will be greatly appreciated.
Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 15 14:06:08 EST 2002 | Claude_Couture
From personal experience with 4c's: run away as fast and as far away from them as you can. These will bring you nothing but grief.
Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 27 15:42:50 EST 2002 | al
I am with Claude on the Quad....run fast and far. Why not go with a GSM instead, There are many who support these. The Earlier GSM 1's are as cheap as ever now too. Al
Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 25 16:10:27 EST 2002 | btaylor
I have run the 4Cs for over 8 years it has been a good little machine. We use it for placing 10 mil pitch flip chips. I buy the yearly insurance through Tyco every year.
Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 18 12:07:02 EST 2002 | smckee
It would have to be really CHEAP! I ran one a few years ago, had 3 4C's gained together. Always had problem with the software and it was a high maintenance machine. Never had such problems with Mydata, Phillips or Zevatech. Also, it seemed I alwa
Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 29 08:36:07 EST 2002 | Jeff Park
They have there strong points and weak ones. I have worked with them for the last 5 years and have seen some flakey problems (Cables, feeders, encoders) that will cause you some down time but if you get a good price on a system it might be worth it.
Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 27 18:10:41 EST 2002 | andrewbrook
Quad4C's have their moments. If the price is right and you are aware of the machines limitations then you will be satisfied. The placement rate is slow, 1.2 seconds/chip. Don't buy any Quad if it has the CyberOptics Laser unit, the Quadalign unit is
Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 18 11:14:57 EST 2002 | bpan
Very good machine. Dont know about Claude but sounds like he doesnt know the machine too well. Be careful if you buy it because Tyco's Parts support for the machine are terrible. For ex. Tried to buy a sensor for the lifters on our transport and they
Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 21 11:35:47 EST 2002 | hannahsd
We had several 4c's before we put them out to pasture. From my experience they are easy to make program adjustments, but like the previous person responded the auto programmer did not work for us. We had laser coplanarity check as an addition to th
Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 15 17:36:45 EST 2002 | jonfox
First of all, who are you buying it from? If it is not coming with any coverage (parts or tech support) from Tyco, don't make this your first one. They can adjust to just about anything you can program on them (big plus) but I would recommend havin