Electronics Forum: quad 4c motor error (Page 1 of 8)

quad 4c

Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 27 09:51:08 EST 2002 | Claude_Couture

I have worked with 4c's for two years. The feeders are "tinker toys" with a mechanism that slips, so the pick-up has to be adjusted several times as the reel is used, especially with 13" reels. The worm gear was plastic on the steel shaft of the moto

QUAD 4C motor error #5

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 29 05:01:38 EDT 2013 | bobpan

Motor Error 5 is usually an interlock error. Take off the rear right cover and look at the red and green led's on the driver cards. If they are both lit....you have a door open or if you have carts....a feeder base switch is up. Good Luck

QUAD 4C motor error #5

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 30 10:35:54 EDT 2013 | nophsem

Data base Utilities --> Download MOD Codes to assembler) and the motor error # 5 appeared instantly in the handheld.

QUAD 4C motor error #5

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 29 14:20:17 EDT 2013 | nophsem

Thanks for the response bobpan! LED's on the driver cards work well (green with doors closed and both red&green on with door open), and I don't use the carts. The head doesn't move after power on and inmediately you can listen alarm.

QUAD 4C motor error #5

Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 16 11:36:28 EDT 2014 | bobpan

Are both red and green leds on for the driver cards (they are located in the bottom right of the machine). If they are both on then you have an interlock opened. If this is the case....check the side doors....sometimes they are not shut all the way.

QUAD 4C motor error #5

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 03 05:39:44 EDT 2013 | bobpan

Yes you can upload modcodes from assembler. This works for all quad c-series machines along with some others. I would NOT overwrite anything. I would save them to a new file so you have the originals. Your original modcodes are good.....your machine

QUAD 4C motor error #5

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 30 10:50:47 EDT 2013 | bobpan

Clear the memory again and try to input by handheld the modcodes 1 by 1 and see when the problem happens. You can input a number then press home and home. Sounds to me like a number is incorrect but its hard to tell. Are you sure the file that you ar

QUAD 4C motor error #5

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 30 11:31:29 EDT 2013 | nophsem

We have two QUAD 4C working in tandem. 3 months ago the EPCU battery (QUAD # 2) died, then we change it. Then downloaded the MODs from the controller to the assembler(does simultaneously on both machines). All this time we continue to work normally.

QUAD 4C motor error #5

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 28 21:47:22 EDT 2013 | nophsem

HI! We have a QUAD 4C since 8 months . Yesterday the head remained immobile in the position where it put the last component to complete a board and indicates Motor Error # 5 (SRX engine communication time-out) and I don’t know what it means and ho

QUAD 4C motor error #5

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 03 05:37:06 EDT 2013 | bobpan

It sounds like your dispenser has a problem....The default mod code for 56 is 0 (this should be off). Thats why when you cleared the mod codes the machine was able to home. When you reload your saved mod codes it is probably set to 1. The machine wil

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