Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 27 09:51:08 EST 2002 | Claude_Couture
I have worked with 4c's for two years. The feeders are "tinker toys" with a mechanism that slips, so the pick-up has to be adjusted several times as the reel is used, especially with 13" reels. The worm gear was plastic on the steel shaft of the moto
Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 11 00:40:19 EDT 2012 | ngineer
I have a problem setting up the LAE on my Quad 4c. I set it up for 0805, and it seems to work, although it rejects a lot of parts, at least it places "most" of them. I tried setting up on a soic14, and could not get even one to pass. I believe I h
Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 02 23:09:51 EDT 2013 | marcelorotofrance
Ok, I'll try it. In the meantime I overcame the problem by downloading the original program to the machine and tought the new placements, board size and repeats and then uploaded it to the new file and edited the rest on CC. It worked fine, no strang
Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 28 10:26:55 EDT 2011 | miroyu
Hello everyone . I received lot of help from people of this forum for which I want to say "thank you" guys. I had problem whit initialization of my Quad 4C which just sits for 2 years after purchase. I manage to locate problem with laser diode on pla
Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 08 13:07:18 EDT 2016 | claudea2
Hello Bob, we changed the nozzle z parameter until we got limit errors and backed up 1 mil. There was a slight reduction in the limit errors on the pickup of the component but it is still a problem. With the mod code we adjust the soft z height to ab
Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 08 15:45:21 EDT 2016 | claudea2
Thanks Bob, I will change the z-rod just to make sure. It is a tall part read at 180. The nozzle height bugs me because we have 3 machines and the first one has a nozzle height of 238 while the 2 others around 200. I am thinking this parameter may ad
Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 08 15:22:32 EDT 2016 | bobpan
If its a tall part and you are trying to scan it lower than 200 or so...you can have this problem (limit error). Thinking of things to look at.....Is your z-rod spring sticking? Push up on it and it should spring back with NO hesitation...if it does.
Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 25 08:22:41 EDT 2016 | bobpan
If I have to guess then I would say the machine is first picking up a larger nozzle to pick up this part.....the nozzle is not seating on the z-rod correctly and causing a problem. Check to make sure the nozzle is being mounted correctly. You may als
Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 25 07:43:24 EDT 2016 | claudea2
We have been having a recurring error on one of our Quad 4Cs. When it picks up the first of 8 47uF SMT capacitor it stops with a limit error. If we do 2 consecutive function 30s, the problem goes away until the next board. The first function 30 re
Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 04 19:38:44 EST 2011 | olddog
We are a very small (2 people) company and have recently purchased a used Quad 4c Mk II, for our low-volume in-house production. The machine appears to work perfectly for our needs. My question is regarding programming from a concept standpoint. Our