Electronics Forum: quad cad (Page 1 of 3)

QUAD 4000c Program creation with CAD

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 01 13:04:57 EDT 2015 | ahanna

ahanna@lumitex.com Thank you very much I appreciate it!

QUAD 4000c Program creation with CAD

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 01 12:37:54 EDT 2015 | deanm

If you are still looking for information I have a procedure that our company used that I could send you that should still work for the 4000C. Please post your email address.

QUAD 4000c Program creation with CAD

Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 28 09:58:45 EDT 2015 | ahanna

Hello everybody! I'm working with a Quad 4000c that has been refurbished by PPM and need a little help with using the CAD feature. Is there anyone that can help me out by giving me a basic walk through of how this works? I'm not sure if this is valu

Re: Quad vrs. Mydata

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 09 22:33:42 EST 1998 | Jim McCarten

I have had experience with both companies. If you are doing contract work and get you parts and boards in a box, the Mydata does a fine job of teaching a board on the machine. Quad's strengths are in their software and the ability to automatically

Re: Quad IIc, Autoprogram

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 25 18:58:10 EDT 2000 | Bob Miklosey

I am very familiar with AutoProgram and understand the default import formats for the software. AutoProgram wants a centroid file containing part number, ref des., X, Y, and theta. AutoProgram will not directly import an ASCII cad file. However, Ci

Quad IIc, Autoprogram

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 25 10:25:28 EDT 2000 | Vicki J.

I am running a Quad IIc pick and place machine and have so far had to manually set up my board programs through the Central Controller. We have Autoprogram, but have been unable to come up with a compatable asciII CAD file to use it. R&D is using T

3d printing Quad feeder rollers

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 05 23:15:03 EST 2017 | teslalab2

Hi! I recently bought 33 of the worlds crappiest Quad feeders for dirt cheap. They all had bad tape peel rollers. So I decided to try and print replacement rollers from TPU. And, it actually works! here is the link to the cad files http://www.thingiv

QUAD/TYCO 3rd Party Service

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 04 17:57:18 EST 2004 | bobpan

Give some specifics.....Are you looking for on-sight programming? Version of Q-soft? Where are you located? Cad data or machine teaching?......(I happen to do both now).

QUAD QSP-II Owner Manual/ User Guide book

Electronics Forum | Sun May 11 17:32:23 EDT 2014 | bobpan

I have a procedure on teaching fiducials on the machine with and without cad. The manual does not tell you how to do this. Give me an e-mail address and i will send it to you. Thanks

Re: Quad vrs. Mydata

Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 12 00:02:45 EST 1998 | Gang Pan

I have just finished this excise which compared Mydata and Quad machine. As the result I purchased Quad QSV-1 model SMT assembler. In my opinion select which one that will depend on your applications. Also depend on what machines you compare with.

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