Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 05 07:14:16 EDT 2019 | smrsteve
Hello Bobpan, Thanks for the suggestions. Sorry I didn't reply yesterday as I'd gone home - I'm in the UK, so I'm guessing there's a time difference. Okay, I found the control to turn off the vacuum verify - it's SHIFT - SWITCH/VERIFY. Makes no di
Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 17 06:56:50 EDT 2013 | bobpan
Did you teach the reject mark? Sounds like a lighting issue when looking for the white sticker. You can also skip images by pressing control-repeat after the machine has found fiducials. Good luck
Electronics Forum | Sun Feb 09 19:16:22 EST 2014 | navworx
Was running production when the head just came to a stop, motor went off, error window said to home. Upon attempting to home, got message: G1T2 homing error; index mark not found. I've tried rebooting the machine, but this error still appears. Any
Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 21 15:37:46 EST 2007 | afm
We have been looking for an old machine (budget issues), and we have foud Juki 570L and Quad IVc to be around same cost. I have found some comments on the forum for the Quad (good in general), but not too much for the Juki. Beside the expected issues
Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 08 18:52:42 EDT 2020 | neosroger
We are looking to improve our SMT Line; We currently have Quad 4C (P&P) CPH; 3600 Capacity: 68 (std 8mm feeders) Minimum Pitch: 0.635mm(0.025") Could you suggest a reliable new Pick n' Place for better CPH and capacity for a value price? We found
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