Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 06 12:52:33 EST 2007 | James
The feeders have 8 pins, so I believe they are 12 v. But will double check
Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 17 05:21:50 EDT 2013 | navbill
Hi, We have QSV-1 machines with stock Quad IQ feeders (8 pins). Some of these feeders will produce a "feeder does not exist" error on both the pick and place machine as well as the OLS station. Is this a problem that can be fixed by us or do the f
Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 18 14:09:57 EDT 2013 | bobpan
Just because a feeder has 8 pins on the front does NOT mean it is IQ. The IQ feeders started at a certain level of feeder part number.....which i do not remember being that many people dont use the IQ system. Good Luck
Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 18 17:42:26 EDT 2013 | navworx
Just because a feeder has 8 pins on the front > does NOT mean it is IQ. The IQ feeders started at > a certain level of feeder part number.....which i > do not remember being that many people dont use > the IQ system. > > Good Luck It has PLD v
Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 16 13:37:56 EST 2012 | leemeyer
When looking at the feeder base the right side wires should be white, black, black, red from top to bottom. The left side should be red, black, black, white from top to bottom. You have IQ feeders hence the extra pins. The IQ feeders are only require
Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 09 10:29:54 EDT 2020 | bobpan
12vdc on top pin 5vdc on bottom pin ground on second pin up from bottom. the rest are only needed for IQ function on Quad assembler. Bob
Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 20 23:22:52 EST 2015 | rx8pilot
Hello, I am trying to figure out if it is possible to program the index distance on Quad Tyco Feeders. I recently got a Quad IV-C and on the 16mm feeders, they index 12mm where I have an 8mm pitch tape. It is a non-IQ machine so I am looking an man
Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 13 19:16:26 EST 2020 | babe7362000
It has been awhile for me, but I do remember that sometimes the solder would fracture on the connector pins.
Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 13 19:37:31 EST 2020 | jmelson
Yup, that's the first thing I looked at, the pogo-pin block on the front, and where the motor plugs in. Both could be stress points. I will try resoldering those anyway, although they looked fine. I examined the rest of the board, too, and could n
Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 07 09:57:43 EST 2005 | james
Does anyone else know where you can purchase parts for quad 8mm feeders instead of directly buying them from TYCO. In the past 2 months their costs went up over 50%. I order the pins already from another vendor but that is it. Thanks