Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 23 09:13:04 EDT 2010 | kdaglio
for the last couple of days when i power up our quad iv, i get assembler is off errors. i cannot get the machine and the quad align to start. any help is gratly appreciated.
Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 03 09:45:27 EST 2011 | vinceprice
Quad IV C problem. Our machine is not placing parts. We can test each component one by one and the machine picks and places the parts correctly. When we run the machine for production it does not pick up the parts. Any ideas?
Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 05 07:22:28 EDT 2018 | dfl
Hi, I just got a Quad IV-c and I'm learning to use it, I got manuals and it is up and running on DOS with windows 3.1 but I noticed that it the Autoprogram is missing, Does anybody has a copy that can share. Regards
Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 27 09:02:51 EDT 2018 | jdengler
A CP IV-3 is able to place 0402's very well. We do it all of the time with a CP IV-2. You need the right nozzles and feeders but no problem. I agree the ProSMT software is a pain but that's not the machine's fault. Jerry
Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 09 11:17:24 EDT 2018 | dfl
Ok, I will try and post the result. thanks for the help!
Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 30 17:38:32 EST 2019 | bobpan
try at 2 good luck
Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 09 05:38:29 EDT 2018 | dfl
Hi, my Quad IV-c is showing a really dark image on the camera and its VERY difficult to see the components pads to make the adjusts. I already check the monitor brightness (at maximum and I can see the crosshair, so the monitor is good) and already
Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 25 08:54:33 EST 2019 | dfl
For the first time, I'm really looking at to the power transformer for the IV-C pick and place (the big big one, at the middle). As I understood, is this transformer converting the 220V to 127V? I realize that the camera monitor is 127V and the PC PS
Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 02 16:02:28 EDT 2019 | slthomas
I can't answer your question as it's been way too long since I did any Quad IVc work, but at some point bobpan will probably reply and give you exactly what you need.
Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 01 10:17:19 EST 1998 | Stefan Witte
| I have a customer looking to buy Quad 3C Feeders. | He is evaluting the possibility of either buying these | feeders or buying a whole Quad Pick and Place. | Qty: 30 8mm Feeders I do have a source of Quad III C and IV C machines with a total of 200