Electronics Forum: quad qsp-2 plus--low hours! (Page 1 of 1)

Quad QSP-2 noisy belt

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 03 08:10:34 EDT 2019 | bobpan

The amp is mounted on the back side and is black. 4 total mounted for x and y axis.....swap the 2 that are y axis amps. If you have never servo tuned before on a quad machine you not going to be able to do it. There is way to many things that you nee

Quad Machines? Good Points / Bad Points

Electronics Forum | Thu May 02 09:08:13 EDT 2002 | darryl

I have a Quad QSP-2 for 5 years and I have had no problems with it. We run it 16 hours per day 6 days a week. Software is good. Service is excellent Quadcare is expensive. The only drawback that I see is tapefeeder repeatability. Seems that the p

Multitroniks, Quad System and Tyco Info

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 01 09:36:17 EDT 2001 | Pete Barton

Jay, > > I agree with your assement and Chips on > the Quads. I once worked at a shop that had Quads > and DynaPerts(at the time) The perts were > slower(TIME) and required(EFFORT/PEOPLE) more > MAINTENANCE(more effort more people and more > re


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