Electronics Forum: quad qsp2 cad data (Page 1 of 2)

Larger than 18" on Quad QSP-2

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 10 11:23:26 EDT 2009 | vetteboy86

I am setting up a board that is 18.27". In order to be able to reach the whole board, I need to slide the touch stop assembly a few inches further down the slide. After I completed this task, the board will not feed up to the touch stop. The board st

QSoft importing Cad Data

Electronics Forum | Mon May 19 15:42:37 EDT 2008 | torch

hey folks, just finished a quick 4 day training course on our 2nd user Quad QSV-1 and will probably have more questions later on but for now can someone confirm that qsoft needs its theta data in + numbers and cannot handle - theta figures? what i m

QUAD/TYCO 3rd Party Service

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 04 17:57:18 EST 2004 | bobpan

Give some specifics.....Are you looking for on-sight programming? Version of Q-soft? Where are you located? Cad data or machine teaching?......(I happen to do both now).

QUAD/TYCO 3rd Party Service

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 06 10:18:38 EDT 2004 | J. Dyer

We are locvated in Peru, Indiana. Generally, we have some sort of CAD Data provided but no way of collecting centroid Data if it is not in the product files. We have had to do some teaching of parts over more than 300 placements in the past. If an

Re: Quad vrs. Mydata

Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 12 00:02:45 EST 1998 | Gang Pan

I have just finished this excise which compared Mydata and Quad machine. As the result I purchased Quad QSV-1 model SMT assembler. In my opinion select which one that will depend on your applications. Also depend on what machines you compare with.

Interface software for Cadence to QSV-1 and Point5588

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 24 23:31:14 EST 1998 | Gang

I got Quad QSV-1 assemblier and Tescon Point5588 fly probe tester this year. Any body know what kind software suit best for transfer Cadence Alegro 13 CAD data into those QSV-1 and Point5588 machine ? There are some software packages like UNICAM and

Re: Quad vrs. Mydata

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 09 22:33:42 EST 1998 | Jim McCarten

I have had experience with both companies. If you are doing contract work and get you parts and boards in a box, the Mydata does a fine job of teaching a board on the machine. Quad's strengths are in their software and the ability to automatically

Re: Quad IIc, Autoprogram

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 25 16:23:33 EDT 2000 | Paul Wright

Vicki, Ask your CAD guys to give you the centroid X-Y data with reference designators in ASCII format. Then import that file into Excel. You can then change the fields and data into the format you need. Make sure you left justify the columns. Af

Re: Quad IIc, Autoprogram

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 25 12:14:12 EDT 2000 | Wolfgang Busko

Hi Vicky, seems to be always the same dilemma with CAD people. My experience is that they can provide data in all possible formats, sometimes using scripts they write to create whatever output is needed. It needs a little diplomacy and the exact for

Re: Interface software for Cadence to QSV-1 and Point5588

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 30 21:05:57 EST 1998 | Dave F

| I got Quad QSV-1 assemblier and Tescon Point5588 fly probe tester this year. Any body know what kind software suit best for transfer Cadence Alegro 13 CAD data into those QSV-1 and Point5588 machine ? | There are some software packages like UNICAM

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