Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 23 15:23:03 EST 2005 | c.b
Thank you for your reply bobpan, and will try dropping the running speed, will let you know.
Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 23 15:28:50 EST 2005 | c.b
Thankyou also dilbert, have reset the machine, and given it a maintenence check they are pretty basis thing's and these machines usually only stop when it is user error! will try the slow running mentioneed from bobpan and will also try your suggesti
Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 23 13:50:55 EST 2005 | c.b
I am currently using a quad 1000, and up to now it has been a good reliable machine upto yesterday. I now have an error message that reads "driver error, emergency stop" the machine then freezea and will not run. Could some one please tell me if t
Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 23 15:07:58 EST 2005 | bobpan
Hello C.B. I am a former trainer/fse for that machine and still have a q1000 bible for fixing problems. I think the machine may need servo tuned to which there is a procedure that i would have to find. First thing to do though, is to drop the machine
Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 23 11:28:47 EST 2008 | tbkonrad
Help! Since last Friday i have been having issues with a Quad qsv-1, it all started with a quad align error, i found there to be a small quantity of grease covering the lenses on both quad align sensors. I wiped the grease off and then everything s
Electronics Forum | Mon May 16 13:43:41 EDT 2005 | michaelmcclay
Hi Bobpan, I would like to know if you have access to the original Quad 1000 software? I have an operator who "updated" the configuration software on the Quad and hosed it up.
Electronics Forum | Mon May 16 17:58:54 EDT 2005 | ??
Are you sure you dont mean quad 100. The software for a quad 1000 (which was a samsung machine) was not available on disks or to install......I dont recall ever seeing it on a disk. If its a quad 100, you would need version cc5.6d central controller
Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 19 07:50:19 EST 2006 | Walter
HI bobplan.... ! I'm brazilian an i have a error message too ! But the message is "System Error... Please Check the system" And the machine freeze ! Please .. help me !
Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 23 14:04:48 EST 2005 | smtking
Call technical support. Dumbass