Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 27 18:10:41 EST 2002 | andrewbrook
Quad4C's have their moments. If the price is right and you are aware of the machines limitations then you will be satisfied. The placement rate is slow, 1.2 seconds/chip. Don't buy any Quad if it has the CyberOptics Laser unit, the Quadalign unit is
Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 23 15:13:54 EST 2008 | tbkonrad
It's not the z pickup or profile bot thanks for the help, I think Mike is right. I have used these profiles hundreds if not thousands of times in the past and never had an issue. Also it was different components and different profiles almost every ti
Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 23 15:28:50 EST 2005 | c.b
Thankyou also dilbert, have reset the machine, and given it a maintenence check they are pretty basis thing's and these machines usually only stop when it is user error! will try the slow running mentioneed from bobpan and will also try your suggesti
Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 06 10:43:18 EST 2007 | James
Especially on capacitors, the tape is so thick that the motor starts to slow down and does not advance the parts fast enough or not at all. This happens on regular 8mm.
Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 25 14:20:52 EDT 2005 | james
Does anyone else encounter problems using feeders to handle caps that are reeled up with paper tape. We are having alot of problems with vendors that are now using the thicker type (like cardboard) to use to reel up caps. Our feeders either run too
Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 26 11:58:32 EDT 2017 | bobpan
Mod code 7 is a placement delay.....changing it will slow your entire program down. If you just want to slow it down for 1 placement.....you have to insert a mod code change in the sequence steps....this is easily done in central controller. Good L
Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 28 16:19:41 EDT 2018 | dleeper
Quad didn't go out of business because they made stellar machines, but if you are running the same board all day long, you can get it dialed in where it's repeatable and reliable. Spares aren't expensive (at least by comparison)and there are lots of
Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 21 21:46:47 EST 2006 | alphaman
I was wondering if anyone with Quad QSV1 programming experience would be interested in offering some help VIA e-mails. We just recently purchased a used machine and are running it quite well. Problem is it seems extremely slow. I would like to get
Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 22 05:44:05 EST 2011 | bobpan
I thought the the machine was slowed down to speed setting 1 for the x/y axis and the machine worked. I think the x-motor was on its way out.
Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 28 08:42:26 EST 2019 | bobpan
mod code 53. make it 2...this speed setting is closer to fast than slow.