Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 18 11:14:57 EST 2002 | bpan
Very good machine. Dont know about Claude but sounds like he doesnt know the machine too well. Be careful if you buy it because Tyco's Parts support for the machine are terrible. For ex. Tried to buy a sensor for the lifters on our transport and they
Electronics Forum | Thu May 20 09:47:25 EDT 2010 | pforister
Is this a single head Quad IVc or a dual headed line? if it is a dual line you can swap the align cards in the front bay between the two heads and see if the symptom follows. The card on the far right is a transport card, shouldn't need to swap tha
Electronics Forum | Sun Apr 12 08:49:12 EDT 2009 | mki
Hello, I bought used QUAD IVc MKII with transport in "as-is" condition, powered it up (without air and PCB on machine) and all axes (X, Y, Z AND T(heta)shows signs of life. Machine is performing HOME positioning self test. I am not familiar with QUA
Electronics Forum | Sat Oct 07 10:16:00 EDT 2017 | tsvetan
1. Secure all linear bearings to not move during the transport 2. Wrap the machine completely with stretch folio to protect from dust and moisture 3. Attach shock sensor to it so when it arrive you can see if it was subject to harsh transport
Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 31 10:08:13 EDT 2010 | leemeyer
First I would only be concerned about the front panel led's if the transport is not clamping. These LED's are most likeley burnt out. If the transport clamps your sensors are working properly. If you are seeing a "Place 1 Z" on the handheld it is ask
Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 24 16:57:03 EST 1998 | henry
EQUIPMENT FOR SALE QUAD 100 V3/V6 Low hours, Excellent condition, All latest factory revisions Firmware 3.65 Central controller software 5.6D with computer system Autoprogram software 5.31 1- 28" Latching feeder base 5- 4" Latching feeder b
Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 29 09:13:46 EST 2008 | bobpan
I have seen this on our assemblers look in the machine and check to be sure there is no obstruction IN the down flag sensor located on the bottom of the front transport assembly.
Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 29 08:27:34 EST 2008 | tbkonrad
This morning I turned on our Qsv-1 and ai resiveved the following error. "Clamp did not open: House Air pressure may be lower then 70 psi" after checking the Air Pressure it reads at 80 psi on the Main air pressure gauge as well as the 80 psi on the
Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 25 08:36:32 EST 2014 | bobpan
Tep stands for the transport card. The board is located in the front bottom left of the machine and should be by itself and have green and red leds lit on the top of it. I would try to reseat the card and then try to reboot the machine. If the proble
Electronics Forum | Sun Jan 20 17:55:49 EST 2013 | ngineer
Mikej, I'm only running a single image, just want to correct for the slight variations in how the board seats in the transport. It's not more than a few mils off, but enough to cause an issue on fine pitch parts. I don't have any image fiducial