Electronics Forum: radios (Page 1 of 9)

Power problem on radio circuit

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 13 13:26:34 EDT 2002 | dougt

If it's not blowing the fuse in the car then I guess it wasn't drawing a huge amount of current. Check the power wires going into the radio and look for something loose. My first guess is your loosing voltage across a bad connection somewhere and a

Power problem on radio circuit

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 13 10:59:35 EDT 2002 | Simon Davis

Hi Folks, This is a totally speculative, if not cheeky post. I know very little about electronics, but I think you guys do. I have a problem with my car radio, that I'd really like to solve, as I cannot buy a new one where I live (Brazil), and I th

Power problem on radio circuit

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 13 11:50:03 EDT 2002 | dougt

What is happening is your bench supply is unable to supply enough current so the voltage drops. When you turn up the volume knob your asking for more current and the voltage drops more (the led's in the faceplate dim). It also sounds like when you

Bartector or Crestsolutions reel verification systems?

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 27 17:58:22 EDT 2005 | GS

RFID stands for Radio Frequency Identification. A strategic tecnology. Regards...........GS

thermocouple attachment solder

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 05 17:17:27 EST 2007 | davef

Radio Shack "Lead-free" Sn96Ag4 480�F

Solder Joints too Shiny?

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 08 11:32:19 EDT 2006 | darburch

Solder joint too shiny, clock wrong color, she's got my chair, radio too loud, can't hear the radio, I'm too hot she's too cold change the A/C.Kindergarten wasn't this petty.OH, wait this is a heath and safety issue, I need the day off with pay. Why

Miniature Radio Receiver Antenna

Electronics Forum | Sat Jul 22 14:35:26 EDT 2000 | Roger A. Wehage

I recently heard (but can�t remember the source) that radio receiving antennas much smaller than the quarter wavelength or so necessary to obtain sufficient signal strength were being developed. I think the process may be based on digitally correlati

Dream Machine

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 29 14:50:49 EDT 2001 | dougt

Imagine shopping for a machine like an automobile. Your able to go for a test drive with out a week long class and the gas mileage they advertise is realistic and comparable from machine to machine. All machines have similar options that weren't ju

ManufacturingProcess Engineer

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 07 05:09:32 EST 2003 | Susan

Brian: I read your input with interest. I am looking for a senior person, Manufacturing Process Engineer with surface mount assembly exp for a client who manufactures wireless communication subsystems such as frequency sources for digital radio an

Rework Bluetooth

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 29 17:02:07 EDT 2001 | davef

Ericsson makes a variety of Bluetooth Modules. Is this what you're talking about?: * Bluetooth� Module (ROK 101 007)http://www.ericsson.com/microe/products/bluetooth_solutions/products/bluetooth_module.shtml * Bluetooth� Radio Module (PBA 313 01) [

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