Electronics Forum: raises (Page 1 of 37)

mpm up2000 z axis hardware limit

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 03 18:00:51 EDT 2019 | ddfreeze

Got a used mpm up2000. It gives z axis hardware limit warning when trying to teach vision. The board raises to camera then drops back down. However when loading a board for tooling, the board stays raised up. The z table can be manually raised up n d

IPC Conference Raises New Lead-free Reliability Concerns

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 16 17:52:14 EDT 2007 | davef

Look here: http://smt.pennnet.com/display_article/289838/35/ARTCL/none/HMST/IPC-Conferences-Raises-New-Lead-free-Reliability-Concerns

Vapour phase soldering - problem

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 18 17:40:52 EDT 2009 | jlawson

Is the mechanics ok with the raising and lowering into the vapour ie no small movements that could be moving the part ? Most Vapour Machines have a lower and raise mechanisim so movemnt of parts can happen if not smooth, especially when coming out o

raised component measurement

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 18 12:21:03 EDT 2009 | kennyg

Does anyone have any off-the-shelf tool for measuring air gaps under components? Specifically to measure if a part is raised beyond special specifications, such as determining if a leaded connector is raised beyond 5, 10 or 20 mils from the PCB surf

Re: Trimmer placement.

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 20 15:17:33 EDT 2000 | Bob Willis

Sorry I cant give you any feedback on this issue you raised Bob

Rectangular uBGAs with 1 raised edge after reflow

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 05 16:19:37 EDT 2001 | davef


Rectangular uBGAs with 1 raised edge after reflow

Electronics Forum | Sat Sep 29 08:47:38 EDT 2001 | davef

What did you change in your profile?

PCB Through Hole Size for Lead Free

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 09 10:49:09 EST 2007 | hussman

Try raising the part off the board a little. I bet this will help.

Equipment to measure stencil tension

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 02 07:13:43 EDT 2011 | cyber_wolf

Things of this nature make us raise an eyebrow. Something along the lines of automatic solder paste mixers......

;SMT equipment foot pads

Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 08 16:15:03 EST 2022 | charliedci

Looking for source for pads to place SMT equipment on the raise the working height. Thanks

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