Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 23 14:44:08 EST 2009 | sunny
Are boards produced using Vapor phase ovens dirtier than N2 Reflow oven. Are there any studies/papers someone can point to? if not what are the methods to verify this? is IPC specified SIR test using 24B SIR test coupons? please advise. thanks in adv
Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 16 20:19:10 EDT 2004 | Grant
Hi, We have both Vapor Phase ASSCON semi auto as well as Soltec convection inline ovens. I must say we had no end of problems with Vapor Phase. We tried everything, and just could not totally eliminate tomb-stoning completely. We would always get a
Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 29 11:02:04 EDT 2019 | robl
Not sure it's always a great route as the smaller ovens are going to struggle to get a perfect profile for a consistent result, especially on bigger boards with higher layer counts and mixed technology. You may want to take a quick look at a batch va
Electronics Forum | Mon May 01 23:23:58 EDT 2006 | grantp
Hi, I off center idea we used when we started. Get a pasta cooker, and put in vapor phase fluid, and then use that. Place the product in the bottom of the inner pot, and then heat on a small hot plate. When the vapor cloud gets high enough and the
Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 01 17:36:35 EST 2008 | severs
Thanks John, You built smart batch I/R oven from a consumer toaster oven and that sounds pretty cool and cheap too. I'm hoping that we don't have to resort to all of that to get what we need... although I have been toying around with the idea of buil
Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 03 16:00:48 EST 2010 | glenseely
When faced with high mass, high cost, sensitive PCBs and now with the added challenges of Pb-Free Vapor Phase is the only safe reflow method for component and joint integrity. A-Tek is the National Distributor for Asscon Vapor phase reflow. Asscon
Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 03 12:16:58 EST 2010 | vmorina
Hi Jack, I haven't progressed that much on the reflow project.I'll be working on it in two weeks. Although, I have few vendors that I've been communicating for more info about vapor phase reflow ovens. See the following list: Wenesco Sintronex AICT
Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 19 13:07:01 EST 2010 | vmorina
Hello everyone, Talking to my boss today I was able to determine what we're really looking for in terms of reflow soldering. The company is not looking to do a volume run; we're trying to solder chips for prototype boards, which are currently done w
Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 17 04:15:23 EDT 2003 | C Miller
The magnetic thing from the sot23 thread made me think of somthing from the past. Does anyone have any experience with vibrating boards during reflow? I know for a fact that if you vibrate a board during reflow it will alow the parts to "float" and
Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 21 20:21:41 EST 2003 | Grant
Hi, I can verify that, and we have done 2 or more reflows with prototypes, using vapor phase reflow, and because there is no oxygen, the result is good, and you cannot tell the difference between the first reflow, and the 3rd. We are getting a vap