Electronics Forum: re - flow oven for pcba (Page 1 of 1)

Reball BGA process flow

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 02 13:05:51 EST 2005 | russ

Process flow 1.Remove part - It may be necessary to bake assembly prior to removing. 2.Remove remaining solder from part 3.Apply flux to part 4.Apply solder spheres to part 5.Reflow part You may want to bake component before re-installing 6.Apply

Drying PCB after contamination measurement for rework ?

Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 02 13:15:16 EST 2022 | chris007

I am currently working on a manufacturing flow where some PCBA are processed with reflow oven (after being baked before processing), then cleaned with bath, then passed into contaminometer, passed into AOI. The point is after all of this, if AOI dete

Re: Quick Purge of Reflow Oven for N2 Operation

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 04 18:56:25 EST 1999 | Marc P.

| We have a Vitronics SMR400N oven and many times need to use N2 inerting. My problem is that it takes close to an hour of operation to purge the system to achieve the desired O2 levels (~40PPM). This is not only time consuming but results in an inor

Re: Quick Purge of Reflow Oven for N2 Operation

Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 28 15:03:14 EST 1998 | Earl Moon

| We have a Vitronics SMR400N oven and many times need to use N2 inerting. My problem is that it takes close to an hour of operation to purge the system to achieve the desired O2 levels (~40PPM). This is not only time consuming but results in an inor

Reflow Issue- TSOP 54 Lifting at one end

Electronics Forum | Thu May 23 05:38:26 EDT 2019 | je_arrow_tech

We have been having some issues recently with a TSOP-II 54 pin, where upon second reflow the part will lift at end one, most of the time the solder will pull up with it and still connect but I still worry about strain on the component as well as it i

BGA failure when chamber test

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 21 02:41:29 EDT 2011 | kemasta

Hi It's me again. Our products need to pass a chamber test 45c/36hrs after the PCBA completed batch of functional tests and assemble in to case. We found 1 unit was functioning for 24hours in the chamber, but hang after that. We tried to re-boot the


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