Electronics Forum: reboot up3000 (Page 1 of 1)

MPM UP3000 Question

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 11 13:40:13 EDT 2006 | chrisgriffin

MPM fan, thanks for the suggestions. I like the way you think. But I forgot to mention the most important thing. It only does this a few times per shift. The rest of the time it works fine. But we must re-boot every time due to the computer lock

GEM interfacing with MPM printers

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 02 06:57:18 EST 1998 | Brian Pollitt

We're using Cimetrix Host Manager to communicate with MPM UP3000 printers specifically to capture measurement and system settings and error messages. It all works fine until the printer is taken off line. The GEMComm S/W on the MPMs PC (DOS) doesn't


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