Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 26 10:39:03 EST 2010 | patrickbruneel
A recalled Toyota Corolla went straight through the front door of a home in Georgia. Pretty much like the professor simulated but in real life. This was a recalled vehicle so evidently the pedal theory might be incorrect. http://www.cnn.com/video/
Electronics Forum | Fri May 16 11:28:23 EDT 2003 | swagner
In agreeance with the previous postings I would like to add one more thing, in event of a automotive recall a lot of money can be saved by knowing which lot code is bad and tracing the data back to a specific group of vehicles instead of recalling se
Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 17 08:49:57 EST 2010 | patrickbruneel
Interesting report related to the Toyota recalls potentially caused by electronics failures. Chapter 9 is appropriate to this forum. http://www.nutwooduk.co.uk/downloads/Toyota.doc
Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 27 12:28:34 EDT 2010 | patrickbruneel
Under certain circumstances, Toyota says, solder connections may develop a crack that creates unpredictable behavior in the circuit. Look here: http://www.thecarconnection.com/marty-blog/1048692_toyota-recalls-1-1-mi
Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 14 21:12:25 EDT 2002 | davef
Search the fine SMTnet Archives. I recall something about EMPF and ROSA.
Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 04 08:17:37 EDT 2005 | davef
Many board fabricators post this information on their sites. Merix, as we recall, is one of them that does.
Electronics Forum | Thu May 05 10:55:14 EDT 2005 | johnthor
as I recall Hoover-Davis bought US Vibra. Unknown as to what they supply or support
Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 27 10:58:35 EDT 2006 | slthomas
Unfamiliar with "breaststrike" here but I recall chundering reluctantly but repeatedly .
Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 15 13:27:29 EST 2007 | slthomas
Chad's a good guy and also has decent taste in music from what I recall.
Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 14 15:03:44 EDT 2022 | glasscake
What type of machine? Usually the service manual will have calibration intervals recommended.