Electronics Forum: reduce flux residues (Page 1 of 148)

Selective soldering: sprayed flux residues

Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 11 10:12:36 EST 2007 | George

Hi everybody, Is there any criteria as far as No-clean flux residues surrounding solder joints when using selective solder machines? I have a Novastar SPA 400 and use flux NC kester 959. If I decrease the amount of flux, then I experience problems w

Selective soldering: sprayed flux residues

Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 13 08:02:02 EST 2007 | realchunks

You may want to try raising your pre-heater if you have one. I would also suggest trying different fluxes that may be a little more active so you can use less. What type of fluxer are you using? Selective solder flux residue is a gray area. This i

White residues

Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 23 07:51:39 EDT 2002 | cfraser

I too have experienced this problem on many occasions. Try turning you wave temperature down just a bit. If you spec allows for this it will help. The condition will not totally go away but reducing the heat will help. Of coarse you other option in a

White residues

Electronics Forum | Mon May 26 08:59:32 EDT 2008 | davef

It's possible that the flux residues from the solder paste used in your SMT process is not compatible with your water wash process. For instance, some no-clean fluxes leave resudues that are not water washable. When these residues are washed, they de

Flux residues

Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 15 10:19:05 EST 2012 | davidmercader

Hi, We have problems with our wave soldering process. The problem is that during the same assembly, after wave soldering, some pcb’s look not clean and other pcb’s look good. We use lead free SAC305 solder and flammable flux. We think our proces

White residues

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 24 21:27:10 EDT 2002 | davef

50�C. * Boards are too hot to be cleaned. Yes, saponified cleaners will remove heat decomposed WS flux. Well, I suggested changing paste to another poster, because he mentioned overheated solder connections and I guessed that his white residue was

White residues

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 29 10:42:47 EDT 2002 | Jim M.

I had problems with white residues on both WS609 and WS 3060.The WS 3060 turned out to be a carbonized material.The composition after analysis (Energy Dispersive X-ray spectrum) turned out to be tin,tin,phosphore and cloline and tin. Alpha also have

White residues

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 22 16:55:42 EDT 2002 | russ

Greetings All, Anybody out there experiencing white residues after cleaning? We currently use a batch cleaner to clean water soluble fluxes. this cleaner makes its own DI water by means of carbon and resin tanks. After cleaning there are residues

White residues

Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 23 14:20:48 EDT 2002 | russ

We have not yet sent this out for analysis, So, I don't really know what it is. initial evaluation would lead me to believe that it is flux since it is only present on the solder joints themselves and nowhere else. I noticed that you also mentioned

White residues

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 22 20:55:00 EDT 2002 | ianchan

Hi, this is not really a technical solution, just a feedback. we too have a model series using the same WS paste type. it gives a dull solder joint with white residue that can be marginally removed after post-DI water rinse (ie. not 100% removed).

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