Electronics Forum: reed switch machine (Page 1 of 45)

ICT for a reed switch

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 04 23:27:01 EST 2013 | armandogomez

Hello all!!! I have a question, since we first started here we have bought a lot of ICT fixtures for our old Z1820 teradyne we are a company that work with a lot of reed switches, no the question is can a reed switch be tested in the ICT? I have no

ICT for a reed switch

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 05 14:35:30 EST 2013 | rway

In order to test a reed switch on the Teradyne, you will need an electro-magnet mounted inside the fixture. It will need to be mounted directly under the reed. First perform the passive testing (TVSV or Cont), then the active test. Drive the coil

ICT for a reed switch

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 05 15:55:54 EST 2013 | rway

http://www.cotorelay.com/images/stories/coto_wp__reliability_ver_003.pdf I believe this was provided mainly for informational purposes; however, you don't need all that. You just need a magnetic field. A simpler approach than what I have already m

ICT for a reed switch

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 05 15:31:58 EST 2013 | davef

As a quick response, look here: http://www.cotorelay.com/images/stories/coto_wp__reliability_ver_003.pdf We receive no benefit from, have no investment in nor know any employees of the company listed above. BR, davef

SMT acceleration switch

Electronics Forum | Sun Nov 04 11:53:19 EST 2007 | osomemac

I am looking for a mini acceleration switch for my application. It will be high volume, 1-5 million in quantity or better when in final production. It have to be really TINY and light weight. Packaging is not as critical since we do epoxy coated t

tiny acceleration switch

Electronics Forum | Sun Nov 04 11:55:15 EST 2007 | osomemac

I am looking for a mini acceleration switch for my application. It will be high volume, 1-5 million in quantity or better when in final production. It have to be really TINY and light weight. Packaging is not as critical since we do epoxy coated t

VCD Halt/Run switch

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 12 21:30:44 EST 2016 | athrunamuro

I have a VCD Sequencer, and to load an executive file, I have to flip the Halt/Run switch to get the @ sign on the monitor. Can anybody tell me what part of the machine the Halt/Run switch is in? I know where on the machine it is, behind the metal co

Quad 4C power switch

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 06 02:34:37 EDT 2013 | rollon65

Hi Marcelo The two machines I mentioned are the American type but they have an internal transformer fitted to convert from 110 to 220 Volts for U.K. Incidentally only one of the machines does it on a regular basis whilst the other one is mostly O.K

Quad 4C power switch

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 07 16:56:32 EDT 2013 | marcelorotofrance

When I turn the machine on, almost every time I turn the Motor Power Switch it trips. I must to put the lever down and raise it again, then every runs normally. I asked to the former owner about that and told me that this machine always did it so and

VCD Halt/Run switch

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 23 08:45:29 EST 2016 | proceng1

On my sequesncer, the Halt/Run switch is under a cover on the BACK of the machine.

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