Electronics Forum: reels storing (Page 1 of 6)

Best way to identify moisture sensitive reels on a machine

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 25 13:54:51 EST 2018 | emeto

The best way is to have proper system in place that shows which reel is stored where. Now mycronic, juki, fuji and more have these towers(MSD), where you can keep your parts in. It is a very elegant solution with a beautiful software that tells you w

Are all tape and reels used in SMT required to be static safe?

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 01 16:34:38 EST 2002 | Dave C.

We seem to have an awful lot of reels in our SMT stores that are not made of static safe material. True that many of the components are not static sensitive, but when we run SMT, they are being loaded right next to sensitive components. Is there an

Lifted Lead

Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 13 10:39:50 EDT 2004 | Marie

Suggest looking at the packaging,is it sufficient to prevent damage to the QFP?. What way are these components stored when received?.Are the reels stored in boxes or racks?.Storage in boxes may cause damage from stacking the reels on top of each oth

Re: Reel Cabinets

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 06 13:29:09 EST 1998 | Bill Herman

| | What are you people using to store component reels and tubes in? I am looking for a cabinet with slots or something to store reels and tubes. We keep our components on the production floor near the machines. The cabinets we are using now are v

Reel Cabinets

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 06 13:06:39 EST 1998 | Bob barr

What are you people using to store component reels and tubes in? I am looking for a cabinet with slots or something to store reels and tubes. We keep our components on the production floor near the machines. The cabinets we are using now are very

Re: Reel Cabinets

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 06 13:26:31 EST 1998 | Bill Herman

| What are you people using to store component reels and tubes in? I am looking for a cabinet with slots or something to store reels and tubes. We keep our components on the production floor near the machines. The cabinets we are using now are ver

Re: Reel Cabinets

Electronics Forum | Sat Nov 07 03:06:03 EST 1998 | Gary Simbulan

| | | What are you people using to store component reels and tubes in? I am looking for a cabinet with slots or something to store reels and tubes. We keep our components on the production floor near the machines. The cabinets we are using now are

Placement machine component management

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 01 11:24:24 EST 1998 | niall hayes

Hello, We are currently trying to design and ultimately implement a system that will be able to count and manage component placement for three Sanyo chipshooters on three SMT lines. As the number of components decreases in the reels we want to be ab

Reel storage retreival systems

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 28 19:55:11 EST 2003 | kenBliss

We offer an alternative to expensive automated systems. A manual shelving system designed specifically to store reels and make them easily accessible and organized for anyone and everyone. take a look at http://www.blissindustries.com click on SMT

SMT Equipment

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 25 10:50:55 EDT 2004 | jdumont

Morning all, does anyone have any 8mm Contact Systems smart feeders they are willing to part with? We are also looking for component reel racks to store stock out on the floor. Any help would be appreciated, JD

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