Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 02 13:08:40 EDT 2013 | babe7362000
It has been years since I used autoprogram. But I believe your low reference number is your low slot number on the base and then the ref. is what slot you will teach your feeder ref. to the far left. And the High slot number is the higest slot numb
Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 17 01:02:16 EDT 2015 | armandogomez
Hello Had a similar problem way back with the hydra, first go to the service program manually activate the hydra camera then move the Xwagon to place the hydra ref plate over the hydra camera and check first if the camera works, second the image you
Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 07 11:17:51 EDT 2003 | 51165
Can someone help me with a Ref Side Clamp Mesh Error on a CP643E?
Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 19 13:14:38 EDT 2006 | stano
Hi all. How do change languege japan to english on Panasonic REF -G3 reflow oven? Thanks.
Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 12 21:43:50 EDT 2016 | cmarasigan
There is an auto teach of QFP component for CM402 wherein machine can auto recognize number of pins, pin pitch. Just make sure on your part data you have selected the right reference part (Ref: 171)for QFP. For manual component recog; 1. Set Comp si
Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 12 10:08:15 EDT 2000 | Chris May
Have you checked the pad geometry, shape / size etc ?? Regards, Chris.
Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 31 02:34:26 EST 2006 | Richard Robins-Bird
see http://www.fujismt.com/productssimple.html ref: Fuji NE3000S
Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 19 18:11:05 EDT 2006 | fastek
Hire a Japanese technician...problem solved.
Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 19 19:28:52 EDT 2006 | jaimebc
Contact Panasonic and have them help you with your problem.
Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 19 12:18:22 EST 2009 | mikesewell
I think as long as they are imported as different board numbers, you can have "duplicate" ref designators.