Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 13 14:17:03 EST 2002 | dougt
Are these sensors the reflective type? Maybe when the board is unclamped and it goes over the sensor it is seen, and then when it is clamped (raised) it is now out of the range the sensor was set for. That should be easy to adjust. A problem I've
Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 24 13:36:07 EDT 2000 | Dr. Ning-Cheng Lee
Regarding the boiling point, MSDS may have some infomation reflecting that. Other description such as long stencil life and long tack time may also reflect. Wetting rate typically is not stated in product data sheet. You will need to determine it y
Electronics Forum | Tue May 20 15:35:36 EDT 2003 | kictech
How are you attaching your thermocouples? When using HT solder, the solder/TC surface of the joint can be reflective. This condition coupled with the IR can give you false temperature data since some of the heat is reflected away from the TC. Le
Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 22 09:14:06 EST 2007 | paulallan
Does anyone have any experience in point to point laser soldering and laser light reflecting off of SMT component 'J' leads down on to the laminate. This appears to be a random situation we cannot understand nor control.
Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 16 23:33:41 EDT 2010 | isd_jwendell
If you are trying for a nice reflective surface you will get a white with better spectral reflection if you paint with an appropriate formula after the board is soldered.
Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 14 12:11:00 EST 2002 | V.RAMANAND KINI
I am looking for a reflective coating on PCB. I have designed a PCB with SMT type side LEDs and Top LEDs. The light from these LEDs fall on to a lens profile on top of these and get mangnified and reaches the dashboard instrument's pointers. I tried
Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 14 08:46:50 EST 2024 | oxygensmd
We are using Macrium Reflect which is free to use if you want to use disk backup or cloning.
Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 14 13:20:41 EST 2024 | ttheis
We also use macrium reflect and a usb/ide adapter to image all of our machines for backup.
Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 12 17:00:14 EST 2001 | mparker
Aw Dave - you guys are so fashionable, are the dark green and red combos seasonal? caramel brown like a Pale Ale? I once heard that the green was chosen because it gives the best color contrast for white silk screens. As for color reflecting or abs
Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 21 11:49:31 EST 2002 | V.RAMANAND KINI
Thank you for this information. I will try this. Infact i am already working on this type of idea. In the mean time, I did try the traditional HAL finish on PCB since it can reflect the light to some extent. I am also trying lacquers peters white s/