Electronics Forum: reflow clean solder paste yellow (Page 1 of 46)

caps have yellow stain after wash

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 07 10:24:59 EDT 2016 | davef

wlsmt: You’ve got to help us out here: * Why did you apply solder paste to capacitors prior to water washing the PCBA [where the caps were attached?]? * Did you reflow the Alpha WS-609? * How is the Alpha WS-820 involved in this? * Talk about the

clean process vs non clean process

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 02 00:16:18 EST 2004 | Mike Konrad

There is no shortage of reasons to clean your boards. Soldering or reflowing your boards leaves �stuff� on them. This �stuff� is normally corrosive and conductive (some fluxes / pastes are more corrosive / conductive than others). In either case,

Re: no clean rework

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 10 03:13:30 EDT 1999 | Dreamsniper

| hello to everybody, | we have a really satisfactory no clean process, both smt/reflow and wave soldering, but we get troubles with defects rework; | does anybody know how to eliminate flux residues or how not to produce them during rework operatio

RMA vs No clean

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 16 05:42:18 EST 2003 | nifhail

I've a query. I have one new Customer whom insisted us to use RMA paste on their product. The problem is, on some of their products they use via hole as the test point in where all the PCB finished are ENTEK and as usual I have to print solder paste

cleaning NO clean

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 05 18:15:15 EDT 2002 | pjc

There are chemistries out there that will solublize some post-solder NC flux residues. I have had success with Zestron material Vigon A200 and Petroferm material Hydrex DX. Go to http://www.zestron.com and http://www.petroferm.com These are chemical

Re: no clean rework

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 10 05:51:03 EDT 1999 | Gian.D

| | hello to everybody, | | we have a really satisfactory no clean process, both smt/reflow and wave soldering, but we get troubles with defects rework; | | does anybody know how to eliminate flux residues or how not to produce them during rework op

Re: no clean rework

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 10 07:47:12 EDT 1999 | Brian

| | | hello to everybody, | | | we have a really satisfactory no clean process, both smt/reflow and wave soldering, but we get troubles with defects rework; | | | does anybody know how to eliminate flux residues or how not to produce them during rew

Re: no clean rework

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 10 20:22:15 EDT 1999 | Wayne Sanita

Hello, Could be that touchup operators are using too much flux. What are you dispensing flux with. Disposable or refillable flux pens are good to have around. | | | | hello to everybody, | | | | we have a really satisfactory no clean proc

Cleanning no clean residu

Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 19 13:57:17 EDT 2007 | Michael Konrad

Hi Rob, I must take issue with your statement �By definition, no clean solder can be not-cleaned�. All no-clean fluxes can be cleaned. Whether or not one cleans no-clean depends on a variety of factors. More than eighty percent of all post reflow

Re: no clean rework

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 12 09:02:08 EDT 1999 | Gian.D

| Hello, | | Could be that touchup operators are using too much flux. What are you dispensing flux with. Disposable or refillable flux pens are good to have around. | |Good! could you suggest some suppliers name or address or web site or e.mail...

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