Electronics Forum: reflow cpk (Page 1 of 6)

Reflow Oven Cp & CpK Test at customer place

Electronics Forum | Sat Feb 10 06:35:42 EST 2007 | Charls

Hi Friends, We would like to know what is the procedure to test Cp & Cpk on Reflow oven at customer place .

Reflow Oven Cp & CpK Test at customer place

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 12 15:32:10 EST 2007 | davef

stepheniii Unsure how they determine that the process is stable and in control, a prerequisite to calculating Cp, Cpk. A trained chimp smoking a cigar could calculate Cp, Cpk.

Reflow Oven Evaluation Using Cpk

Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 18 12:40:03 EST 1998 | Dave Fish

Cpk's on top flight ovens (e.g., Conceptronics, Heller, Electrovert, Vitronics) vary wildly, from 1 to 2+, between different supplers. The suppliers don't seem to understand Cpk's. A supplier's rep whose oven has a Cpk of 1.0 told me: 1. Cpk's don

Reflow Oven Cp & CpK Test at customer place

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 12 10:28:49 EST 2007 | davef

CK the Flip Guy You're correct. Some profiler suppliers include a Cp, Cpk calculatoromiter with their very nice units.

Reflow Oven Cp & CpK Test at customer place

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 12 12:52:48 EST 2007 | stepheniii

Would their calculatoromiters set off my BS detector? It's quite sensitive with things like Cp,Cpk and use of statistics. Or are they actually genuinely usefull?

Reflow Oven Cp & CpK Test at customer place

Electronics Forum | Sat Feb 10 09:36:52 EST 2007 | davef

Choices are: * Run a Cp, Cpk capable profiler through the oven. * Review the results of your supplier's process qualification that would include Cp, Cpk on their oven. Handspring contract [REV. 6 - 7/1/99] with Flextronics says: [snip] 4. Process Ca

Re: Reflow Oven Evaluation Using Cpk

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 20 15:10:54 EST 1998 | Steve Abrahamson

| Cpk's on top flight ovens (e.g., Conceptronics, Heller, Electrovert, Vitronics) vary wildly, from 1 to 2+, between different supplers. The suppliers don't seem to understand Cpk's. A supplier's rep whose oven has a Cpk of 1.0 told me: | 1. Cpk's

Reflow Oven Cp & CpK Test at customer place

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 12 10:06:46 EST 2007 | CK the Flip Guy

DaveF, Please define a "Cp/Cpk capable profiler." Do you mean one that has software that automatically calculates this for you? I do this at my company, and we track 2 critical variables - Time Above Liquidous and Peak Temps. and this is done on a

Re: Reflow Oven Evaluation Using Cpk

Electronics Forum | Sat Mar 21 16:37:22 EST 1998 | Earl Moon

| | Cpk's on top flight ovens (e.g., Conceptronics, Heller, Electrovert, Vitronics) vary wildly, from 1 to 2+, between different supplers. The suppliers don't seem to understand Cpk's. A supplier's rep whose oven has a Cpk of 1.0 told me: | | 1. C

50 PPM

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 21 01:40:42 EDT 2002 | jkhiew

Hi all, Our management set target 50 ppm for overall process like printing,mounting & reflow soldering. Our m/c cpk for mounter is 1.0 & for printing is 1.33. So, pls comment !

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