Electronics Forum: reflow oven blowing fuse for chain (Page 1 of 3)

Video Recording for Reflow

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 27 09:18:57 EDT 2015 | fcmtechnician

Hi Don't know your reflow brand, but try to decrease the blower speed...is possible that air blow out the componets! For vibration, chain related issue, etc open your hood and start the oven in colder recipe with pcb inside! ( put the service key o

Conceptronic HVA102 request for help

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 10 15:28:47 EDT 2015 | sumote

I could really use some help, My oven is continually blowing one of the SFC fuses (the one on the left as it sets in the machine) when the conveyor tries to run. It appears that the traces on the circuit card were having too much current pulled th

Video Recording for Reflow

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 27 07:56:24 EDT 2015 | grimus

Hello Do You have any experience with Device/Equipment that could make video recording inside inline reflow oven located after soldering PCB? I am facing with random problem with dropped parts inside reflow oven and I would like to see what is going

Video Recording for Reflow

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 28 03:03:00 EDT 2015 | grimus

Thank you all for your advice. You are right this is two sides board, and dropped parts are on bottom side, and it is refered just to very light switches. I am using same temperature setup for top and bottom. What is interesting I am manufacturing t

Mesh for board washer baskets

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 22 22:26:12 EDT 2004 | pdeuel

we keep some extra chain belt that is used in most washers and reflow ovens. We have not had any problems. Our wash has slightly more pressure comming from the top nozzles than the bottom nozzles. same for the air. This will hold the boards down in t

Thanks for the info!

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 03 14:37:53 EDT 1998 | Anthony

I really appreciate everybody taking the time to help me out with this problem. I'm going to run your input by the design engineer, after that I may be taking you up on that offer to contact you Earl. Again; thank you! Anthony | If your board is si

Re: Attenna assembly for RF board

Electronics Forum | Sun Jan 31 14:03:41 EST 1999 | Dean

| I have a recent design (1 component side only) that calls for 2 surface mounted antenna's (brass plated) to be mounted on a PCB. The problem arises when the PCB is 18x11.25 and has 15 to 20 PCB's in the pallet (IE weight, fixturing to hold the ant

Re: Attenna assembly for RF board

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 16 13:57:50 EST 1999 | Ron Beasley

| | I have a recent design (1 component side only) that calls for 2 surface mounted antenna's (brass plated) to be mounted on a PCB. The problem arises when the PCB is 18x11.25 and has 15 to 20 PCB's in the pallet (IE weight, fixturing to hold the a

What is the QFN or Device Voiding Levels Needed for Automotive Industry for Power Devices for Electric Vehicles?

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 17 21:38:55 EDT 2017 | jlawson

I think the main driver is MTBF data driven by the Car OEMS, mainly german makers pushing this onto suppliers in supply chain. Vacuum soldering and void reduction is a hot topic for the leading electronics suppliers in Germany at the moment. Is not r

Re: Quick Purge of Reflow Oven for N2 Operation

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 04 18:56:25 EST 1999 | Marc P.

| We have a Vitronics SMR400N oven and many times need to use N2 inerting. My problem is that it takes close to an hour of operation to purge the system to achieve the desired O2 levels (~40PPM). This is not only time consuming but results in an inor

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