Electronics Forum: reflow oven ersa training (Page 1 of 8)

What are the best profiles for 3 zone ersa reflow?

Electronics Forum | Sun Apr 12 21:37:52 EDT 2009 | padawanlinuxero

HI !!! We have the same oven! and yes profiling is hard, but not that bad. Check with the solder paste company for information, right out of my head dont remember for the temps that we use on mondayIcan show you my profile so that youhave an idea

What are the best profiles for 3 zone ersa reflow?

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 27 12:44:07 EDT 2009 | stepheniii

Let me be the first to suggest; Get a better oven. 5 zones minimum. If you can't, you will have to have some way of profiling the board. Does the oven have thermocouple ports? If not you will have to buy some kind of termperature datalogger. Mayb

What are the best profiles for 3 zone ersa reflow?

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 27 14:12:10 EDT 2009 | rgduval

Check with your paste manufacturer for a recommended baseling. The paste manufacturers generally have a database by oven that gives optimal performance for their paste. It's only a baseline, and does need to be adjusted based on the thermal foot pr

What are the best profiles for 3 zone ersa reflow?

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 27 10:04:51 EDT 2009 | ericthered

We have been having problems with proper wetting when running mainly lead free but also leaded solder in our Ersa Hotflow 3. Solder either often looks grainy or doesn't flow over the whole pad. This is generally the case when my profile is 170 firs

SMTassembly training videos or books

Electronics Forum | Sun Jan 29 14:10:14 EST 2006 | gipos

Hi GS, We are contract manufacturer for small series of electronic equipment fully trained for SMT.Making mostly RF with only few QFPs,TSOPs...SMT machine assembly was made by local subcontractor when needed. Recently we acquired two Juki 730 machin

Small scale reflow oven

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 10 22:15:58 EDT 2019 | kylehunter

So after listening to many people's options and thoughts, I have decided against novastar. There is a reseller near my office that offers full support, training, and service on used equipment. They also fully refurbish all equipment beforehand. I no

ERSA250 reflow oven - power shutdown

Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 14 00:05:50 EDT 2013 | felo188

Some ideas?

ERSA250 reflow oven - power shutdown

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 01 14:53:24 EDT 2013 | felo188

it's means that a pcb part responsible for second top zone is broken. To make sure i changed second thermocouple and heater with first. Now there is no overshoot. But I have still problem with automatically shutdown. It is turning off after 1 or 2

Reflow oven

Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 27 09:42:12 EDT 2000 | Daniel Carlsson

I wonder if anyone have experience from using a fairly new reflow oven and would like to share your toughts (advantages or disadvantages) with me. I�m especially interested in: Conceptronic, Electrovert, ERSA, Heller, Quad, Rehm, Seho, SMT or Vitroni

Re: I am looking for training for SMT process.

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 19 00:31:55 EST 1998 | Larry

The type of training I am looking for is things like micro BGA, flipchip, COB, new processes and techniques, ect. I already work with things like fine pitch QFP's, high mix double reflowed boards every day. I live in Vancouver, but I can drive to Sea

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Blackfox Training Institute, LLC
Blackfox Training Institute, LLC

Blackfox is the industry leader in providing IPC Certifications, Solder Training, Customized Training Programs, and Counterfeit Component Training and Certification.

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Longmont, CO USA

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