Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 19 09:24:25 EST 2019 | cyber_wolf
Reflow profiles are based on the product and materials you are soldering. You need profiling software and a data logger.
Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 24 08:59:38 EDT 2000 | Eugene Smelik
Dr. Lee, For Pb-free solders, will the reflow profile be similar to that of Sn/Pb, with an flux activation plateau before going to peak reflow, or will the profile be more linear in nature? Are there advantages/disadvantages to either profile for P
Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 21 09:29:49 EDT 2001 | steven
when taking a reflow profile, can i attach the thermalcouple to the component body (using high temp tape) instead of to the leads (often found thermal couple dettached during reflow). in general, what is the temp diff between these 2 locatinos. if so
Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 09 11:52:41 EDT 2001 | vance
does EFD have a website? -vance
Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 09 12:40:15 EDT 2001 | random7
check out ECD.com for temprobes.
Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 24 01:12:28 EST 2000 | SARRY
Hello! All I am an almost smt biginner. I have a few questions My question is 1. what will be changed to use lead free solder paste in a smt production line? 2. what is the reflow profile for lead free solder paste? Don't just tell me to search th
Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 19 08:41:02 EST 2019 | prasanth
dear experts, i want your suggestion for getting a profile in Heller 1707 mk iii series re-flow machine ,its 7 zone machine recently we had a solder ability issues , so pls guide me ,how to set rts profile parameters
Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 09 15:02:46 EDT 2001 | bobm
THE PEOPLE THAT MAKE THE PROFILING EQUIPMENT IS. ECD. THERE WEB SITE ADDRESS IS http://www.ecd.com THE CONTACT THERE IS OPAL HILL. PH# 800-323-4548 FAX# 503-659-4422 E-MAIL opal.hill@ecd.com sorry i got companies confused.
Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 19 08:57:43 EST 2019 | prasanth
hello experts if you had anyone rts and rss profiles HELLER 1707 MK III series 7 zone machine pls forward me prasanth
Electronics Forum | Sat Sep 22 09:07:56 EDT 2001 | davef
Back-stepping a bit. If a profile is being used to: * Set-up the oven for a new product or trouble-shooting process, the profile should be taken with a solid contact to a solder connection. * Monitoring on-going stable and in-control process that re