Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 21 04:52:59 EST 2003 | Neil
Is anyone producing products using intrusive reflow soldering????
Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 21 03:09:05 EST 2010 | aungthura
I have tried to solder sockets by reflow machine. but, failed because sockets were deformed after reflow.Has anyone had some advise for me?
Electronics Forum | Thu May 09 16:04:07 EDT 2002 | stownsend
The lighter the component, the more likely it is to stick to the solder on the bottom reflow side. All boards I have worked with, the descrete components (R's and C's) are placed first (bottom side), reflowed, then the active components (IC's) are pl
Electronics Forum | Tue May 07 22:25:15 EDT 2002 | L_ch
Hello, As you know for the double side assembly PCBs, we normally first place the bottom side, then place top side after reflow soldering of bottom side. are there any other considerations for the sequence of reflow soldering ( bottoms side first, to
Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 21 08:41:06 EST 2003 | davef
Yes. Reflow soldering PTH components goes under different names. * SMTnet's friend Bob Willis popularized the "intrusive reflow soldering" term. * Jim Blankenhorn, another of our friends, and others popularized "pin and paste". * Still others use
Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 09 08:59:52 EDT 2006 | zanolli
I agree with verifing this part is even high temp reflow compatible. The age of the original dwg release, 1986, and as there is no mention of high temp reflow compatibility, only a mat'l call out of nylon, leads me to think it is not.
Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 22 08:25:18 EST 2010 | davef
This socket supplier never expected you to do what you're doing to his/her part. Some materials bear-up under the thermal strain of reflow solder than others. Try different socket materials.
Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 05 12:27:12 EDT 2001 | davef
I concur with your second approach. A profile needs to be tailored to the design of the board, the components, and the solder paste. Your first approach seems to try to balance lower quality soldering with a lower process complexity.
Electronics Forum | Wed May 08 09:40:33 EDT 2002 | Hussman69
One thing most over look is the time between the last reflow and the second print. You don't want to print on a hot board.
Electronics Forum | Wed May 15 09:46:15 EDT 2002 | davef
Francois: How much moisture does a typical reflow cycle remove from popular SMT packages?