Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 25 12:19:04 EDT 2008 | wavemasterlarry
Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 18 06:30:23 EDT 2014 | nhel_0009
Hi guys. Kindly help me on our reflow (vitronics soltec). My problem is the n2 value reach 10014...any possible solution or suggestion guys..
Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 18 06:35:44 EDT 2014 | nhel_0009
Hi guys. Kindly help me on our reflow (vitronics soltec). My problem is the n2 value reach 10014...any possible solution or suggestion guys..
Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 08 10:32:39 EDT 2014 | nhel_0009
Right sir we already fix it by loading configuration from other machine
Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 08 09:11:30 EDT 2014 | jdenuzzia
We resolved this issue a few weeks ago. It was a configuration mismatch in the oven (MR933+)software with the onboard O2 analyzer.
Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 06 15:12:05 EDT 2008 | tomwho
Can anyone give me a contact for someone who sells used vitronic reflow oven parts. I am look for heater panels or heater wire for a vitronics smr-820 reflow oven,or some place that can replace the heater line in them. Thank you
Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 14 22:02:12 EDT 2011 | datech
Hi we had just purchase a used vitronic reflow oven, can anyone know to assist us on the user ID (system) for default password. also we need to have the manual and both electrical and operation thank you in advance vincent low
Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 11 12:17:05 EDT 2018 | randywoods
I need to perform maintenance. On reflow oven. I do not remeber procedure for opening. Hood for reflow oven. Vitronis Soltec XPM2.
Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 12 09:06:25 EDT 2018 | deanm
If its like our XPM3i there is a keyswitch on the right hand side of the console above the keyboard.
Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 12 09:54:46 EDT 2018 | randywoods
I have tried the key switch. When I shut down. From operator running production for the day. Normally you can us key switch. To open hood. I looked in service mode in PC to see if there was a option. To enable?