Electronics Forum: removing pcb mouse bite (Page 1 of 4)

Depaneling round pcb

Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 26 14:37:02 EDT 2022 | emeto

These pneumatic ones have always been around for mouse bites.

Depaneling round pcb

Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 24 06:31:31 EDT 2022 | richardcargill

We have a similar board and came up with a quick and dirty solution. The board locates via pins onto a manual desk press with strategically placed feet to break the mouse bite. Not really much quicker than doing it all by hand, but after a thousand p

Repair of FR4 double-sided pcb

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 22 22:10:26 EDT 2002 | davef

Ooooow! �Can it be fixed?� Good question. How BAD did you damage it? * Since you are asking this question, I am NOT inspired by the potential that you have the skills to fix the board. Go Jeff Ferry�s site at Circuit Repair Center [If you can�t f

PCB Depanelizers

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 30 21:57:02 EDT 2001 | davef

We don't use fussy things like that to remove mouse-bite tabs when they are not designed to be removed. Just cut away the majority of the waste using sheet metal shears. Then burr the remainder and the rough parts with a Sears wood router [bought a

Re: depaneling machines

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 29 12:21:08 EST 1999 | Mike McMonagle

If you go with tabs/mouse bites, both FKN and Cab make simple pneumatic shears for removing the tabs. For low to moderate volumes, they're very cost effective. MikeMcM

Would YOU accept this PCB ???

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 20 08:16:10 EDT 2008 | grics

Chunks... You are pretty damn awesome! Anyways, in regards to the original thread, we do get good boards from china as well, but we have had issues with stack-up tolerances and even mouse bite (drilled break away) tabs. Not to long ago, we left t

Depaneling method

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 14 14:16:22 EDT 2016 | joelperez

Has anyone use both methods of depaneling on PCB breaktabs? meaning v-score at the edge of the pcb and mouse bites on the opposite side of the tab (break out panel)? Thanks

Alternatives to v-score or mouse-bites?

Electronics Forum | Thu May 06 19:25:41 EDT 2021 | markhoch

oooff... be careful of punch dies. They leave a lot of debris and can stress components on the PCB. If you're using them, be sure to verify stress levels with a strain gauge test. Semi-fractured components can pass test, yet eventually cause latency

Has anyone done breakaway tabs with v-score on both sides instead of mouse-bites?

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 31 09:04:23 EDT 2017 | hxamalia

Hello ALL, Good day , it is Amalia from HX Circuit Technology Co.,Ltd in China, we are a prefessional PCB factory with many years. We are focusing on quick lead time for PCB with good service . please contact with me now ,thanks Email: amalia@hx-c

breakaway tabs

Electronics Forum | Sat Feb 01 16:11:24 EST 2003 | Paul Smith

I would suggest scoring if the profile allows, leaving residual material of circa 40 - 50 mil - That is what I do on a 125mil thick PCB width of the pis is approx 200 mil Mouse bites on a board as thick as 135 mil will mean its extremly difficult to

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