Electronics Forum: removing silk screen from pcb (Page 1 of 6)

Removal of silk screen on PCB??

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 23 13:20:24 EDT 2008 | jdumont

Afternoon all, wondering if anyone can suggest a process for the localized removal of silk screen wording from a PCB. I have tried using a scalpel successfully but that it too time consuming and prone to error if an operator were to do it. Obviously

Removal of silk screen on PCB??

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 24 09:46:05 EDT 2008 | jdumont

Yea I was thinking of covering instead of removing also. Thanks

Removal of silk screen on PCB??

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 23 13:50:18 EDT 2008 | realchunks

On or off a pad? If on pad just take a soldering iron and some solder to it. Wick off to relevel. If off a pad - why remove? (just curious)

Removal of silk screen on PCB??

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 24 15:36:41 EDT 2008 | realchunks

I'm already dead - that's why I'm in this industry.

Removal of silk screen on PCB??

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 24 07:52:58 EDT 2008 | davef

We assume the silk screen is epoxy. If so,: * Easiest: 'black-box' the undesired area by printing epoxy on top of the undesired area. You could use a stamp-pad easily. * Fairly-easy-but-messy: use a Dremmel-type tool to remove the undesired area. Thi

Removal of silk screen on PCB??

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 24 07:28:26 EDT 2008 | jdumont

Not on a pad, just off the mask. I cant tell you why, then I would have to kill you! :)

pcb smt pad replacements

Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 16 17:46:49 EDT 2006 | Dan

Recently I was given a bad Bios Link from Toshiba which fried my Bios and now my laptop boots to a black screen. I recently unsoldered and removed the existing Bios chip and have ordered anotherfor replacement. Unfortunately while removing, i damag

Re: Solder Paste from 500 gram tubes.

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 20 19:09:25 EDT 1999 | JohnW

| | I recently switched from solder paste in 500 gram jars to 500 gram tubes. I did this to try to limit the time the paste is exposed to the room environment. But we have a need to clean the stencil every 4 - 5 boards which means taking the bulk pas

Re: Solder Paste from 500 gram tubes.

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 21 10:05:22 EDT 1999 | Mark Quealy

| | | I recently switched from solder paste in 500 gram jars to 500 gram tubes. I did this to try to limit the time the paste is exposed to the room environment. But we have a need to clean the stencil every 4 - 5 boards which means taking the bulk p

Re: Solder Paste from 500 gram tubes.

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 21 11:49:24 EDT 1999 | Deon Nungaray

| | | | I recently switched from solder paste in 500 gram jars to 500 gram tubes. I did this to try to limit the time the paste is exposed to the room environment. But we have a need to clean the stencil every 4 - 5 boards which means taking the bulk

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