Electronics Forum: repairing (Page 1 of 149)

Help repairing Sikama Falcon 3

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 19 12:19:36 EDT 2007 | miguerre

Hi, We are lookin for somebody that would be able to repair a Sikama reflow soldering system model Falcon 3. The unit does not heat up, and the track stopped working as well. The machine is from year 1987 and the serial# 87-06-030 Also, if you hav

PCB open trace repair

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 08 06:13:44 EDT 2006 | spari77

hi, can anyone share experience on PCB open trace repair? we have some data that indicates that this repair is high risk and really very dependant on repairer skills. It may also cause reliability issue for trace repair. please advice.

sri repairs pad repairs

Electronics Forum | Tue May 19 20:14:08 EDT 2009 | davef

We use epoxy to repair damaged pads

Repair of Qsp2 driver boards

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 21 14:57:57 EDT 2004 | Steve

I have some servo driver boards that intermittantly fail and would like some information on getting them repaired. Do any of the members know of a 3rd party repair facility that can repair/exchange these boards? As not having a schematic for these so

Who can repair cognex cards?

Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 16 18:41:17 EST 2006 | John Fisher

Unidec repairs of industrial electronics specializing in the surface mount (SMT) and through-hole circuit board equipment, robotics, vision systems and general automation. Plese see our website at http://www.unidec.com of call toll free at 888-701-00

Repair of SMT boards

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 04 22:55:14 EDT 1999 | Marcos

Where I can find some informations about repairing of SMT boards? Thanks Marcos

Thermocouple Repair Tips

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 21 16:58:00 EST 2002 | cebukid

Dave, Can you provide info. on some T/C manufacturers willing to perform repair services? Thanks.

Thermocouple Repair Tips

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 22 06:39:07 EST 2002 | davef

Contact your supplier's customer service. For instance, Omega Engineering does nonwarranty repair on their products.

Rebuilding Electrovert Solder pump motors...

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 28 11:32:51 EST 2005 | russ

The motors are just motors, any electric motor repair shop should be able to repair.

Lead-Free SMD repair

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 25 13:36:09 EDT 2005 | patrickbruneel

It will be helpful to responders if you could list the lead free alloy used for paste and repair.

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