Electronics Forum: repeat with pick quad ivc (Page 1 of 1)

Quad IVC 115 Component placement.

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 02 04:50:25 EST 2006 | bobpan

oh....for the feeders moving 2 parts....you must teach a pickup repeat. Make an extent in the pickup editor and attach it to repeat with pick and make it a 2x1 with an 80 mil offset. The machine will then pick the part that is out of the sensor first

Quad IVc PPM Software - How to Vision Align 0402 ?

Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 21 11:50:55 EST 2023 | bobpan

Not many people use the vision on spin failure for 0402 parts. I would focus on repeatably picking the part from the feeder. If you insist on using vision then maybe you can take a permanent marker and darken the nozzle tip. Dont use a sharpie as it

Quad IVc PPM Software - How to Vision Align 0402 ?

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 20 13:45:08 EST 2023 | bobpan

I dont know what kind of feeders your using for 0402 but it matters. It must be repeatable. It also sounds like your feeder z height is wrong. Test pick on the feeder and change the z until it just starts to pick it up and your z will be set. One oth

Quad IVc PPM Software - How to Vision Align 0402 ?

Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 21 10:20:57 EST 2023 | jeana

Thanks for the quick reply :) We've used some classic feeders that we repurposed ourselves by switching the original optical barriers (index wheel and motor wheel) with twice the resolution. It gives okayish results, not great, but the 0402 is alig

Re: Starting an SMT line

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 08 13:33:07 EDT 1998 | Brad Kendall

For pick and place, I have worked with the Zevatech machines and Philips machines. Both are great machines. The Zevatech will give you greater speed and still offer great accuracy and repeatability. Don't let the belt drive stuff scare you, it sta


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