Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 01 08:43:20 EDT 2006 | russ
Try the circuit repair corporation www.circuitrepair.com
Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 31 14:51:31 EDT 2006 | bhu
Can anyone suggest a supplier for gold solution when replating gold fingers that had solder on them?
Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 01 07:40:11 EDT 2006 | davef
Check the fine SMTnet Archives, like: http://www.smtnet.com/forums/Index.cfm?CFApp=1&Message_ID=9250
Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 02 08:09:51 EDT 2006 | Steve Gregory
Go to: http://www.hunterproducts.com/micro-metallizer.htm It's great system and you don't ever have to worry about spilling the solution.
Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 18 09:52:40 EDT 2015 | rgduval
You'll want to double check the electronics in the magazines, as well as the mechanicals. Over time, the connectors can come loose, and could affect performance. I'm thinking of the "dead" feeder that you mentioned, while the rest of the feeders wo
Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 22 09:20:29 EST 2010 | jrr3434
Is there anyway to get solder off gold fingers besides replating them?
Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 22 16:16:17 EST 2010 | stepheniii
My old boss bought some stuff to clean the lead off of gold fingers. At least that is what he thought it did. What it really did was remove the gold fingers. And quite well I might add. The short answer to your question is no. And if you replate mak
Electronics Forum | Sun Sep 17 22:50:20 EDT 2000 | Sartor
I am looking for a solution for gold finger cleaning and repairing.Can anyone recommend good solution(s)?Also,can anyone recommend a good flux paste source(s)?Thanks.
Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 21 09:20:13 EDT 2000 | Ron H
What is the phone number or web address of Circuit Repair Corp?
Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 21 12:41:35 EDT 2000 | jackofalltrades
Cicuit Repair Corporation 45 research Dr. Havenhill, MA 01832 Phone# 978-374-5000