Electronics Forum: resell able stencil screens (Page 1 of 6)

Inspecting a new stencil

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 15 07:19:22 EST 2008 | floydf

Currently when we get a new screen, we inspect it by holding a pcb or artwork under it and confirming that there are pads underneath all of the holes. The flaw with this approach is that if there are pads on the board with no corresponding hole in th

Re: Step down stencil

Electronics Forum | Sun Nov 22 17:54:08 EST 1998 | Larry Johnson

| Does any body know stencil manufacturer in states or south east asia for electroforming processes and step down from 5mil to 3mil. | | Thanks! | Any screen shop should be able to handle that task. It is failry common these days.

Step stencil troubles

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 17 09:55:16 EDT 2004 | soease

Hi russ, thanks for answers, I thought that playing with apertures was the solution if paste is able to lose from the screen with fine pitches. But I'll take in consideration all of your remarks for the next designs to be develloped.

Re: Mechanical stencil foil tensioning

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 25 04:24:15 EST 1999 | Charles Stringer

| | Has anyone used the mechanical stencil foil tensioning system from certain company that eliminates using stencil frames and epoxy & mesh? Any comments on whether it's worth looking into? We go through product revisions like we go through clean

Screen Printing Adhesive

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 30 04:17:03 EDT 2004 | loz

Screen printing glue is definitely easier and more repeatable than using dispense methods (my opinion). Depends a lot though on pcb design and component mix. Contact your stencil vendor and they will be able to suggest different apertures, such as li

Re: Stencils Universal?

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 23 09:30:35 EST 1999 | Dan Hughes

Nancy, The mounting hole locations in most standard frames are the universal in both the screen and stencil industry, more over some of the newer machines clamp the frame in place. Most printers are very adjustable this way. If you were using a "qu

gas to extend allowed print-to-place time?

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 21 19:41:35 EDT 2016 | adamjs

Hi, is there some sort of gas (certainly refrigerated, possibly pressurized?) in which printed boards can be stored to extend the allowed time between SMT paste printing and placement? Or other technique for achieving this? Background: we're a smal

mpm up 2000 camera problem

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 15 07:31:27 EDT 2006 | Chunks

Yes, when teaching fids and you get to the screen shows your fid (either board or stencil), hit the middle "roller button" labeled NEXT. This will toggle your bulb from regular to bright and vice/versa. If it's still very bright, the bulb itself ma

DIMA smro 0406 is good machine or not for doing lead free reflow

Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 11 13:49:48 EST 2014 | emeto

If you have a chance ask them to bring in one of your products(take board, stencil and some heavy part on the PCB that will absorb a lot of heat). They should be able to screen(even manually) it for you, hand place the part and send it through the ov

BGA soldering

Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 27 16:58:34 EST 2003 | Stephen

The most common way is to screen print paste for the SMT placement, then then SMT placement then reflow then TH placement followed by wave solder. You won't be able to screen print for the BGA after reflow unless you use a mini stencil. Or you co

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